2017 Homeschool Family Conference Goodie Bag

2017 Homeschool Family Conference Goodie Bag

Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs This “Goodie Bag” is so much fun… Here are valuable free e-books, lesson plans, recipes, and much more. Best of all, you can look through it all on your own time, without having to lug it around or tote it...
8 Things to Do Before Starting Homeschool

8 Things to Do Before Starting Homeschool

How many more weeks until school starts at your house? Here is a list of things I try to think about before getting started at my house. 🙂 1. Make sure we have a plan for chores. If we’re ever going to get all our school work done each day (and still have enough...
Commanding Our Children

Commanding Our Children

“I have chosen [Abraham], that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of YHWH by doing righteousness and justice, so that YHWH may bring to Abraham what he has promised him” (Genesis 18:19). One of the major reasons YHWH...
“Creation” Walks (a.k.a. Nature Walks)

“Creation” Walks (a.k.a. Nature Walks)

Summertime is a great time to send your kids outside to learn more about God’s creation. Charlotte Mason has made nature study a popular thing, and I agree. (My only disagreement is that we Bible believers should call them “Creation Walks” rather...
Tips on Keeping a House Clean with Minimum Effort

Tips on Keeping a House Clean with Minimum Effort

Here are some of the tips I use to keep my house looking decent. Not perfect, mind you, because we’re a family. We live here. But these tips keep the clutter down, teach my children responsibility, and keep messes to a minimum in the long run. Planning: It helps...
Learning Problems

Learning Problems

Originally written October 28, 2011 Nothing is quite as unnerving to a homeschooling mom as finding out that her child is struggling in school. I know, because I’ve been there! I have several children that struggle in reading, spelling, handwriting, and math...
Art Contest – Passover 2017

Art Contest – Passover 2017

We wish to thank every child who participated in our 4th annual Passover Art Contest! This year’s theme was new life! The children who participated illustrated 2 Corinthians 5:17 — and they did such a great job! “Therefore if anyone is in Messiah, he...
What IS Good Character Anyway?

What IS Good Character Anyway?

Let’s quickly summarize what we’ve already studied about character. Character can only be passed on to our children when we have it in our own hearts first. When we say that we want to teach “good character” to our children, we mean that we...
Helping Children Serve Others

Helping Children Serve Others

What does the Bible say about serving others, and how can we encourage our children to devote some of their time to service? I decided to spend some time researching ministry this week, and here are some things I learned: 1. Real religion is characterized by service...
Biblical Calendar

Biblical Calendar

We will list the dates for the biblical months (according to the aviv and sighted moon in Jerusalem), as well as special events for the members of HomeschoolingTorah. If you would like to add these events to your own calendar, click the blue “Google...