Welcome to Homeschooling Torah

Receive a monthly ($47/month) membership to access our Scripture-based curriculum

for the entire family!

Why Homeschooling Torah?

Gain access to curriculum from preschool to high school, using the Bible as your primary textbook, plus teacher training and homemaking helps to simplify life.

Hear | Learn | Keep | Do

The Bible will become your textbook.

Our goal is to help your entire family study together — to raise up children grounded in the Torah and firmly committed to Yeshua as Messiah. Our comprehensive curriculum allows your family to read together, study together, and grow together… and instead of costing $800 or more per child, you can teach from preschool to high school for an affordable price — and center all your teachings on the Scriptures!

Our Curriculum Is

Easy to Use

Learn why our curriculum is both biblical and practical—ready for your entire family!


Includes Bible, Hebrew, history, and science to math, grammar, reading, writing, and phonics, plus electives like art, music, speech, and P.E.

Cost Efficient

You’ll access our easy eBook lessons, print them yourself, and save money in every subject.

Our Curriculum Includes


Language Arts



“…You shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”
Deuteronomy 6:7

Customers Sharing the Love

“This is the best Bible-centered curriculum I have found, and it is a joy to use. My kids and I love it, and we do it together as a family every day.” – Katie

“My teens struggled with diagramming sentences until we started doing this grammar. Now my daughter does them with no problems, and my son is really catching on. Michael Rood talking about how he came to understand the Word through diagramming made me see the necessity of this. I’m sooo thankful we chose this curriculum.” – Tammy

“Thank you so much for all that you do. God has used you many times to discourage the call for the yellow bus, and I’ve only homeschooled for 2 years! Thank you.” – Angie

“Thanks for using the Bible as the primary and main focus of our homeschool. I have homeschooled for over 10 years now, and the explosion of products out there can be extremely overwhelming. Good to have resources available to keep one grounded in what really is important.” – Sherri

You Can Start Any Time of Year

Our membership site offers year-long lessons in every subject, for grades preschool up to high school. When you join today, we’ll provide roadmaps to help you choose the courses that are a perfect fit for your family.

The Bible is our primary textbook!

We’ll provide daily lesson plans and rich discussions that go deep into God’s Word and have practical application. Children of all ages receive a solid education—all based on Torah, pointing to Yeshua as Messiah.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your homeschooling philosophy?

We believe that parents should direct the education of their children, and our job at Homeschooling Torah is to provide parents with the resources they need. We use the Bible in every subject, which forms the basis of all that you will teach your children.

Discussion forms a large part of each school day. Some subjects also contain worksheets, tests, and quizzes. Many assignments involve “notebooking,” a journal of what your students are learning each day. As you read aloud and discuss (from both Scripture and books), your students make a record of their learning.

The best way to learn about our philosophy of education is to read these blog posts:

What courses are included?

Your membership to Homeschooling Torah includes several Bible courses, history and science for all grades, math for K-8th grade, and a complete language arts program for all grades. We also include Hebrew, plus electives such as typing, crafts, art, music, speech, and P.E.

Will the subjects taught in the curriculum meet the legal requirements for homeschooling in my state?

Although we feel that our curriculum would meet the legal requirements of any state, we strongly recommend that you contact HSLDA to find out the exact requirements for homeschooling legally in your state.

We do provide rigorous curriculum for grades K-12 in the following areas: religious instruction, reading, language arts, science, social studies, fine arts, and health and physical development/education. We also include math for grades K-8.

Our membership site does not qualify as an umbrella school, a private school, or any other kind of “school” that will have oversight over you. We just provide lesson plans, worksheets, training, and lots of encouragement to parents and teachers. If you are looking for an umbrella school, we highly recommend AliYah Academy, with which you can use Homeschooling Torah’s curriculum.

Does your curriculum line up with the Common Core State Standards?

We believe that God’s Word, the Scriptures (all 66 books), is the only “Common Core” that matters. If the states pass a standard that happens to match up with Scripture, we’re in agreement with those parts only. Of course, we’re fully aware that many parts of state standards do not match Scripture. We want nothing to do with those.

Here is our official statement on Common Core.

What is the cost per child? How much will it cost for the entire family?

Homeschooling Torah costs only $$47/month or $479/year—and this price gains you access for your whole family.

Homeschooling Torah is unique! Our low price includes your entire family, no matter how many children you have! It includes all our courses from preschool to high school.

Are any additional books needed?

When you join HomeschoolingTorah, you’ll receive everything you will need to homeschool your students from preschool to high school, with two exceptions:

When do classes start?

You may start your school year at any time of the year, although you should keep in mind your local homeschooling laws.

Many Torah-observant families like to school year-round, so that they can take time off for Biblical holidays, such as Passover in the spring or the Feast of Tabernacles in the fall.

At what age do your resources start? At what age does preschool start?

Our Preschool curriculum can be used anywhere from 2-6. Anne has also written a book specifically for preschool parents, called The Four Foundations of Lifelong Learning. (This book is included in the purchase of a membership to Homeschooling Torah.)

How do I choose which curriculum to use for each of my children? Do you have placement tests?

When you join Homeschooling Torah, our goal is to allow you to tailor our curriculum for the needs of your family. We’ll start by giving you a roadmap to help you choose specific courses for your students.

Our Bible, History, and Science curriculum each have assignments for early learners, middle grades, and high school. You will be able to teach all your students together.

We offer language arts and math for each grade, but you will have the freedom to move up or down a level if the one you choose is too easy or too difficult.

What is the time commitment needed for homeschooling each day?

We generally recommend that a parent is available for discussion and group instruction for 3-5 hours per day. Students in the middle grades and high school may have additional reading, writing, or arithmetic assignments to complete on their own time.

If my children are old enough to read and write, can they do this curriculum on their own? Will a parent need to be available to help during lessons?

Truly, Homeschooling Torah is intended to be done as a family, to help families fulfill Deuteronomy 6:6-7, which says, “These words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”

However, there are some customers whose middle-school or high-school students are able to do much of the work on their own, enabling parents to work full-time if needed.

Here is a blog post with helpful ideas.

What tools and equipment will we need?

You will definitely want to have a Bible, and each of your students who are of reading age will, too! You can use the version of your choice.

You will need access to a printer to print all the eBook lessons. Here are some printers we recommend.

You’ll also want paper, a 3-ring binder for the teacher and each student, and a 3-hole punch so that you can get organized.

Optionally, you may purchase printed student workbooks in our Store.

Other school supplies can be helpful but are certainly optional. We encourage being budget-conscious!

Will my students need to have their own computers or tablets?

No, your membership to Homeschooling Torah gives you access to eBook-style (PDF) teacher guides and student worksheets, which you can access on the membership site.

We suggest that you print the PDF lessons, then insert them into your own Teacher Binder and Student Binders. You will be doing school together each day, then your student will have independent assignments to complete after your Together School time.

Some lessons include links to other websites or videos, which you can access directly from your membership site. We strongly suggest parental supervision when accessing any of these links.

Can I purchase printed copies this curriculum?

Yes, we are gradually making our curriculum available as printed books through our Store. Many of our books are already available, and we expect to add more each year. Meanwhile, members of Homeschooling Torah always get access to our entire curriculum in eBook (PDF) form, for one low price each month.

I have questions that are not answered above. Is there someone to whom I could ask them?

We don’t currently provide any one-to-one coaching or consultations; however you can use our Pick Our Brain feature to send us your questions via video, audio or text whenever you need, and we’ll send you a personal video reply within a day, from Sunday to Thursday. (We do not reply on Sabbath or Biblical feast days.) You will be talking to the “real us,” but you can ask on your own time, and we can reply when we have a moment, between homeschooling our own children, doing the laundry, and writing curriculum.

Click here to use Pick Our Brain.

Want to See Samples?

We’d love to give you more information, such as full samples, scopes, and sequences.

Want Printed Books?

We offer our curriculum in a printed  format in our store to give you convenience and ease as you homeschool.

Want Homeschool Help?

We have over 100 hours of free video training, plus hundreds of articles and helpful eBooks so that you can feel confident!

Ready to Get Started?

You can teach your entire family, using the Bible as your primary textbook. We’d love to help!

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