About Us

Anne and Kraig Elliott

Anne and Kraig Elliott

We are Kraig and Anne Elliott. We have been married since 1993, and we have seven kids — ages 28, 25, 24, 22, 19, 16, and 14. We live in Michigan, where we homeschool our kids, and write curriculum. Kraig is an elder at Solel Sabbath Fellowship. He is a former Baptist pastor, and before that, he was a public school teacher, administrator, and counselor. (You can read our story about that here. )

We are passionate about lots of things, but we most want to get to the ends of our lives and know that our lives made a difference for YHVH’s kingdom.

Foundations PressAbout our Publishing Company

First known as Anne’s School Place and then later as Foundations Press, Inc., our little publishing company started in 2002, originally containing lots of links and resources that had been helpful to our own family in homeschooling. Our goal was to help families take the guesswork out of homeschooling.

In the passing years, if people would ask us, “What homeschooling curriculum do you use?” we would him-hum around, not sure how to answer. No particular curriculum seemed to fit our personal dream to use the Bible as our primary method and textbook.

We also began to see that all of the Scriptures applied to our homeschooling, and since 2006, we have been seeking to use not just the Scriptures, but specifically the Torah as the foundation of our lives. (You can read our full doctrinal statement here.)

As a result, we’ve been slowly writing and designing curriculum, first for use in our own home with our own children, then for the use of our friends here online.

Homeschooling Torah opened an online membership in August 2013. You read the story of Homeschooling Torah here.

Based on our study particularly of the book of Deuteronomy, we have resolved to use the Hear, Learn, Keep, Do method of homeschooling. Our logo features the “keep” of a castle, as a reminder to us to firmly “keep” God’s laws in our hearts, as the best foundation of all for our lives.

Our Family

We know what it’s like to homeschool a large family, with lots of different ages.

This is what our family looked like when Homeschooling Torah started in 2013.

Picture Day at the Elliott’s – 2013

Picture Day at the Elliott's - 2016

Picture Day at the Elliott’s – 2016

Picture Day at the Elliott's - 2016

Picture Day at the Elliott’s – 2020

Picture Day at the Elliott's - 2020

Wedding Day – 2023

Wedding Day 2023

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