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Introduction to Foundations Press and Homeschooling Torah


SPEAKER: Anne Elliott

DESCRIPTION: In this session, Anne shares the story behind Homeschooling Torah and Foundations Press, as well as explaining the differences between the two. She also gives her best tips for making the most of a Homeschooling Torah membership, while giving you a tour of many of the books currently in print at Foundations Press.

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, August 5 — 10 am Eastern

LEARN MORE: Visit Foundations Press (printed books) | Join HomeschoolingTorah (membership site)

Anne Elliott

I have seven children, four of which are being homeschooled this coming year (grades 5, 7, 10, 12), as well as three adult children. I’ve been married for 27 years, and we live in central Michigan, where my husband helps lead a local Sabbath fellowship. I am the creator and founder of HomeschoolingTorah and an author at Foundations Press.

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