Blog, History, Notebooking
During all years of our history curriculum, we advise you to construct a timeline with your children. If you started in ancient history and continued all the way through American history, through all of the Bible’s history, through the middle ages, through...
Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods, Science
I have naively believed for far too long that if a person regularly attends church, sings songs about how God created the world, mentions creation in prayers or liturgy, or homeschools her children, that she must therefore be a creationist. Those in the old-earth camp...
2021 Conference, Blog, Math, Reading, Videos
Essential Frameworks: The Three R’s (Reading, ‘Riting, ‘Rithmetic) SESSION: 6 SPEAKER: Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this session, Anne shares practical strategies to help you give your children a solid foundation in reading, language arts skills such as spelling and...
2021 Conference, Blog, Parenting, Preschool, Videos
Essential Frameworks: Early Childhood SESSION: 5 SPEAKER: Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this session, we’re going to learn about the connection between self control and freedom,and how to help your preschooler have self control throughout all the activities of...
2021 Conference, Blog, Marriage, Our Philosophy & Methods, Reading, Videos
Books That Give Your Children Godly Role Models SPEAKER: Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this special session, Anne shares ideas for reading books and focusing on the positive, the good, and the lovely. She also explains how to use the following notebooking pages....
Blog, History, Using the Bible in Every Subject
There are many good history curriculum available to homeschoolers today. Why write another one? One reason is that we want to use the Bible as our primary textbook when homeschooling our children. We believe that the Bible is 100% accurate and was written by our...