We are thankful to the generosity of Mr. Don Potter, who has given us the following bonus, “Shortcut to Cursive”:

Download “Shortcut to Cursive”

We recommend this short set of lessons for any student who comes into Word Power from 2nd to 12th grades but has never learned cursive. We also recommend it for extra handwriting practice or review whenever needed.

Shortcut to Cursive

Author’s Notes:

Work on Shortcut to Cursive was started on April 24, 2013. It was originally designed to be used to teach cursive in an expeditious and comprehensive manner to students new to the Odessa Christian School in Odessa, TX, where Mr. Potter is the Spanish Teacher, Reading Tutor, and Cursive Handwriting Specialist. Special attention was paid to all joining strokes so that the program would be comprehensive.

The Alphabet Letter String was created so that students could establish a daily practice of writing the alphabet from a to z to develop high levels of letter writing and letter identification fluency, which is the necessary preliminary to fluent reading and accurate spelling — and high-level comprehension.

Dr. Rob Rose’s work with alphabet writing fluency was a primary motivation behind the work. Mr. Randy Nelson of Peterson Directed Handwriting has generously shared his knowledge of motor learning and cognitive development, as well as offering encouragement throughout the project. Special thanks to all my tutoring students who have helped me to refine this method into a true shortcut to fluent cursive.

This work is copyrighted by Mr. Donald L. Potter, but permission to reproduce it for non-commercial educational purposes is hereby granted by the author.


You can find MUCH MORE free handwriting help on Mr. Potter’s website at

If you are looking for a complete language-arts curriculum for your child, be sure to check out Word Power.

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