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Dressed and in My Right Mind: Building Structure and Routine into Your Days
SPEAKER: Anne Elliott
DESCRIPTION: In this session, we’re going to learn how to sit at the feet of Yeshua, be dressed, and be in our right mind.
DATE/TIME: Monday, August 3 — 2 pm Eastern
PREPARE AHEAD: Download the Handout | Get Today’s Freebie
I have seven children, four of which are being homeschooled this coming year (grades 5, 7, 10, 12), as well as three adult children. I’ve been married for 27 years, and we live in central Michigan, where my husband helps lead a local Sabbath fellowship. I am the creator and founder of HomeschoolingTorah and an author at Foundations Press.
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Views: 76
Hi there!
First I would like to say thank you for providing all these helpful tools. I am so happy we found your website as we start the adventure to homeschool.
I really liked your daily planner that you use and showed in this video. I have been in the market for a good planner, where might I find one like that?
Thank you,
Thank you so much for this homeschool conference! This is the first session I’ve listened to and I already feel like it is going to make a huge difference in my family’s life. Thank you for taking the time to do this and having it available.