2021 Conference, Blog, Marriage, Our Philosophy & Methods, Reading, Videos
Books That Give Your Children Godly Role Models SPEAKER: Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this special session, Anne shares ideas for reading books and focusing on the positive, the good, and the lovely. She also explains how to use the following notebooking pages....
Blog, History, Using the Bible in Every Subject
There are many good history curriculum available to homeschoolers today. Why write another one? One reason is that we want to use the Bible as our primary textbook when homeschooling our children. We believe that the Bible is 100% accurate and was written by our...
Blog, High School, History
Author and historian Christine Miller shares the books and resources she would use to teach her children about elections, as well as hints on incorporating the resources into a homeschooling routine. Written by Christine Miller from A Little Perspective. Please note...
Blog, Reading, Using the Bible in Every Subject
Why is it important to teach our children to read instructions? Why do we spend the first ten years (or so) of a child’s life emphasizing basic literacy skills, such as phonics, spelling, handwriting, and fluency in reading? Why should we expect that a child...
2017 Conference, Bible, Blog, Interviews, Videos
Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs SPEAKER: Christine Miller DESCRIPTION: In this master class, Christine Miller will explain how to use the teaching tools of Scripture as you study the Bible for your own growth or for teaching your children and...
Blog, Parenting, Preschool
Anne, I have heard you talk about keeping your kids with you at all times when they are young. Can you please share a full day as to what this looks like? I feel I have a different understanding than what you are talking about and want to understand so I can use with...
2017 Conference, High School, Interviews, Theology, Videos
Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs DESCRIPTION: This session will be look at what the Scriptures say about the return of God’s people back to the land of Israel, examining how we can prepare our families and our children. SPEAKER: Al...
2017 Conference, Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods, Reading, Videos
Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs SPEAKER: Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: Music, art, and literature are important subjects for our children, even required by law in many places. However, Torah-observant families face a unique struggle, because much of...