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Our 3rd Anniversary Homeschool Family Conference was August 14-19, 2016.
Click the links below to join a session!
We have lots of videos to equip you to use the Bible in your homeschooling, in a variety of fun ways, and make it all practical, too!
Sunday, August 14
- Biblical Homeschooling Methods: “Hear, Learn, Keep, Do” (1:00 PM Eastern)
- Four Character Qualities Your Children Need for Homeschooling Success (3:00 PM Eastern)
- Interview with Heidi Cooper from Torah Family Living (7:00 PM Eastern)
Monday, August 15
- How to Teach the Torah All Day Long (1:00 PM Eastern)
- Starting a New Homeschool Year (3:00 PM Eastern)
- Interview with Kraig and Anne Elliott on Worship and Word Radio (7:00 PM Eastern)
Tuesday, August 16
- Teaching Math to All Ages (1:00 PM Eastern)
- Using the Bible to Teach Grammar: Who Needs Grammar Anyway? (3:00 PM Eastern)
- Using the Bible to Teach History: Interview with Christine Miller from Nothing New Press (7:00 PM Eastern)
Wednesday, August 17
- The Purpose of Preschool (1:00 PM Eastern)
- The Importance of Reading and Writing (3:00 PM Eastern)
- Interview with Stan Randall from Torah Puppets (7:00 PM Eastern)
Thursday, August 18
- Chores, Kitchen Jobs, and Life Skills (1:00 AM Eastern)
- Customizing Your Children’s Education: Special Needs, Chronic Health Problems, Parents Working, Independent Study, Making Daily Routines, and Maintaining a Love of Learning Throughout (3:00 PM Eastern)
- Interview with Katie Hirn from Hirn Homeschoolers (7:00 PM Eastern)
- Mom’s Facebook “Pajama Party” (10:00 PM Eastern)
Friday, August 19
- Teaching High School (1:00 PM Eastern)
- Using the Bible to teach Science (3:00 PM Eastern)
- Interview with Brad Scott from Wildbranch Ministry (7:00 PM Eastern)
And here’s a goodie bag for you!

(Click to peek inside!)
Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs
Views: 175
Are the sessions going to be recorded?
I’m currently in S Korea and REALLY wanted/needed to listen to the conference, but with the time difference there’s no way. Will there be a downloadable audio/video of the conference when it’s over?
Is the 3 PM session started and for some reason I can’t open it?
Our children are 9 (4th grade), 7(2nd grade) , 5 (Kindergarten) and just turned 2 this week. I am battling feeling overwhelmed, like a failure and alone. Our 2nd grader has been diagnosed with severe dyslexia, and we suspect our 4th grader may suffer with Dysgraphia. Our 2 younger children really need me, but I feel so stretched, when am I to have time with them? And, how do I keep a homestead, a large house, cook 3 meals a day, do all the shopping & such? Well meaning loved ones (who don’t understand why we would choose to homeschool) keep recommending we just stop homeschooling and put them in public school and “moms morning out”. Morally, we believe God has called us to educate our children that He blessed us with. How do I do this? I’ve been homeschooling from the very beginning, & praying throughout. I know about the “together school subjects”, and am working on implementing this. My older children try to help with our toddler, but she’s a Mama’s little helper, preferring to stay close. It seems like everyone needs 1-on-1 , but I only have 2 hands. Help!
Amy, You are not alone.
Yah has had me on a journey of learning to enjoy being a home maker and teaching my boys. I was not taught how to do these things, and it has been a huge learning curve and heart change. My boys are 4, 2, and 6 months. I am often overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done and I’m not sure how to balance that with giving each boy the attention they need. I do know that I can do all things through Yah who strengthens me. Right now we are focusing on slowing down & only doing the things that have to get done. Thanks to this conference we have completed our first 2 days of homeschool. Yay! We covered the first chapter of Deuteronomy and Proverbs & covered math, history, geography, geology, cycles, wisdom, rebellion/complaining vs obedience/thankfulness, calendars, comparing sizes, a few other topics. I’m so encouraged that Yah gave us curriculum to teach our kids all that they are required to learn. Praise Him through whom all blessings flow 🙂