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Welcome to Session 9 (Tuesday, August 16, 7 pm Eastern).
Verses Mentioned in This Video:
- Deuteronomy 6:20-21
- Joshua 4:20-21
- Isaiah 51:1-2
- Psalm 119:99-100
Links Christine Recommends:
- Why the History of Western Civilization
- Athena and Eve – Answers in Genesis
- Chronology Charts by Floyd Nolan Jones (zip file)
- Revelation Revealed Book Extras
Resources Mentioned in This Video:
- Nothing New Press
- (Christine’s blog)
- Revelation Revealed book, by Christine Miller
- 5-Week Introductory World History Study (members only)
- Biblical History Timelines (members, click here instead)
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Learn More about HomeschoolingTorah!
Views: 146
For newcomers to Homeschooling Torah who have kids who have not been taught history from a Biblical perspective, would you recommend beginning with Ancient History?
I would yes, always begin at the beginning and proceed chronologically. It builds the framework which helps students have a place to hang information learned later in life. Also, history is His Story. It has a structure, like any novel (only His Story is the One True Story). We read stories in order from beginning to end, right? Otherwise we won’t understand what is going on. His Story is no different, and even more necessary to progress in order. He is the God who told the end from the beginning (Isa 46:9-10) and the end of the story, nor the middle, makes sense without the beginning.