Here is an 8-page Scripture study of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Since these holidays are surrounded by many traditions, we recommend that you start with Scripture. Once you are comfortable with what YHWH commanded, you will feel more comfortable knowing how to celebrate this feast with your family.
Studies by Other Authors:
- How to Celebrate Pesach and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Schalk and Elsa Klee)
- From Christine Miller:
- Why the Elliotts Don’t Eat Lamb for Passover
Passover Seders We Recommend:
Our family has done many things since 2006, when we first celebrated Passover (Pesach). We have kept it very simple, just acting out each thing in the story of the Exodus and being sure we included every element listed in the Torah. We have also done full Jewish Seders. Here are some of the resources we have used, although there are many other wonderful resources besides these:
- We love the family-friendly seder by Torah Sisters. It also comes with helpful advice for getting the meal ready, setting the table, preparing fun activities for children, and more.
- We have used the Passover Seder by Robin Sampson most. You can purchase it online here. We print a copy for each person who can read.
- For those children who cannot yet read, we made our own children’s picture seder. Print it back-to-back, fold and compile into a booklet. It is intended to match Robin Sampson’s Passover Seder above.
- Our first year, we followed the very simple recommendations in the book Celebrating Biblical Feasts, by Martha Zimmerman. This was probably my favorite Passover so far!
- Schalk and Elsa Klee have written a Messianic-Jewish Seder with a strong emphasis on Messiah.
- Kraig Elliott has written a Passover seder for our local congregation to use in their own homes.
Online Resources
- Messianic Passover Seder Ideas from Heart of Wisdom (Robin Sampson)
- Passover Lapbook from Heart of Wisdom (Robin Sampson)
- Passover Menus from Christine Miller
- 6 Tips to Having the Best Passover Seder
- Unleavened Bread Recipes
- Preparing Your House for Passover (members only)
- Recipes by Elizabeth Lock (members only)
Crafts and Fun Activities
- Ten Plagues Cookies (please ignore Easter cookies at the top of the page)
- Ten Plagues Passover Craft (Torah Sisters)
- Ten Plagues worksheets and activities (try acting out the plague of boils, for instance)
- More Ten Plagues crafts and activities (click at the bottom for multiple pages of ideas)
- Passover Bag of Plagues
- 8 Fun Crafts to Get Kids Ready for Passover
- Blood on the Doorpost Passover Decoration (Torah Sisters)
- The Feasts of the Farming Year (printable)
- Anne’s Pinterest Board for Biblical Holidays
Please Add Your Ideas!
It seems we see wonderful new ideas each day! We would love it if you would also add your ideas, tips, resources, and links in the comments below. Thank you!
Views: 168
I would love to access the children’s picture seder, but the link isn’t working.
I’m sorry, Erika! Because it’s a members-only resource, there is a timer on the page that expires after a few minutes. So try just refreshing the page, and see if it will work for you. ~Anne