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Session 9
Welcome to Session 9 (Tuesday, August 9, 7 pm Eastern).

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DESCRIPTION: This session will give you an expert’s advice on preparing a high school transcript and efficiently keeping track of your student’s grades throughout all four years.

Lee BinzSPEAKER: Lee Binz

Lee writes,

When you first started homeschooling, in the early years, teaching your child seemed almost easy. Your child was a little sponge who soaked up every bit of information you could read aloud. But now, perhaps, your child is approaching the dreaded high school years. And you’re scared … that you won’t be good enough … that you won’t be able to handle high school subjects … that you will ruin your child’s chances at getting into college …

After homeschooling my own two children through high school, and spending over 10 years helping other homeschoolers, I am here to tell you that you are capable of providing a superior education for your child! Unlike a certified teacher, I won’t judge you or evaluate your child – I am the homeschool consultant that won’t make you cry. I am here to come alongside you and help you homeschool through high school. You will be able to enjoy these high school years, treasure the memories, and see your child go on to college and career.

I have three core beliefs about homeschooling:

1. Homeschooling independently provides the best possible learning environment.
2. Every child deserves a college-prep education, whether or not they choose to go to college.
3. Parents are capable of providing a superior education for their children.

I know what it’s like to get an earful of advice from experts, accreditation agencies, and alternative education programs on what you should do for high school. The problem with all the well-intended advice I had to wade through was that it came from biased sources. Many were selling software, attendance at virtual schools, wanted my money for “accrediting” my courses, or were thinly veiled public school programs trying to get access to my children. They worked hard to erode my confidence that I could homeschool my own children and get them into college and career myself. My two sons earned four-year full-tuition scholarships to their first choice university. I did it and you can do it, too!

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