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DESCRIPTION: This session will be look at what the Scriptures say about the return of God’s people back to the land of Israel, examining how we can prepare our families and our children.
Al McCarn is a lifelong disciple of Messiah Yeshua. For over 29 years he served as a Military Intelligence officer with the US Army, retiring in 2012. He earned a BA in Russian and German at Florida State University, and MAs in International Relations at the University of Southern California and History at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Since 2008 he has provided commentary on the Middle East to inform intercessors connected with Prayer Surge NOW. In 2012-13 he served with Healing Tree International, coordinating the ministry’s work in the Middle East, and from 2013-15 was a history interpreter at the Alamo. He currently serves as the Executive Director of B’ney Yosef North America. He is author of The Barking Fox, a blog in which he examines Scripture and current events from a Hebraic perspective, and of Give Me A Place Where I My Dwell: An Ephraimite Affirmation. He is also co-host of the Remnant Road on Hebrew Nation Radio. Al and his wife, Charlayne, have been blessed with two daughters, Shannon-Rachael and Katie, both of whom have just begun their own professional careers. Al and Charlayne currently live in San Antonio, Texas.
DATE/TIME: Friday, August 11 — 7:00 PM Eastern
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- B’ney Yosef North American
- Be sure to enter our giveaway to win a copy of Al McCarn’s book, Give Me a Place Where I May Dwell: An Ephraimite Affirmation (Amazon affiliate link)!
- Al McCarn, co-host of the Remnant Road on Hebrew Nation Radio.
- Al McCarn’s blog, The Barking Fox
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