Celebrating Purim

Celebrating Purim

Purim is not one of the seven annual feasts commanded by YHWH in Leviticus or in the Torah. In the time of Esther, the Jews made a custom for themselves to celebrate a two-day feast commemorating their victory over their enemies; they called this feast Purim and...
Ideas for Hanukkah Celebrations

Ideas for Hanukkah Celebrations

Although we realize that not all of our homeschooling families celebrate Hanukkah, nor do we believe that it is a commanded celebration (from Leviticus 23), we also feel that there is historical value in remembering what YHWH did for the nation of Israel during the...
Gift Giving during the Feasts

Gift Giving during the Feasts

Someone recently asked, My family (extended…parents) are not thrilled (to say the least) that we will not be celebrating Christmas this year.  I know this kind of conflict is common among new Torah observers.  Our children are aware we will not be celebrating...
Activities for the Day of Atonement

Activities for the Day of Atonement

Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is the most set-apart Sabbath of the year. It is a day in which we are to do no work, and we are command to afflict ourselves. Some people feel that this word means to fast (abstain from food), while others see the word as meaning...
Yom T’ruah (Day of Shouting or Trumpets)

Yom T’ruah (Day of Shouting or Trumpets)

What Scripture Says Grab a notebook and read each verse together with your family. What does the Bible say about this day and how to celebrate? What important future events are prophesied to happen on this day? Leviticus 23:23-25 Numbers 10:1-10 Numbers 29:1-6 Psalm...
Celebrating Shavuot

Celebrating Shavuot

Start with Scripture Names for Shavuot Exodus 34:22 What is the Hebrew word for “weeks” in this verse? What does it mean? Exodus 23:16 Deuteronomy 18:16 Acts 2:1 What is the meaning of this Greek word? (Use a Strong’s concordance.) What is required...
Counting the Omer

Counting the Omer

Today is the Feast of First Fruits (Leviticus 23:9-13), which also means that today we start counting up to Pentecost, or Shavuot, the “Feast of Weeks.” It’s called that because there are seven weeks (50 days) between these two feasts. “From...
The Feast of First Fruits

The Feast of First Fruits

I personally believe that the feast of first fruits is one of the most neglected of all the appointed times. However, this day represents the resurrection of our Messiah and promises our own resurrection! It only makes sense that our enemy would like to keep this...