2021 Conference, Blog, Interviews, Marriage, Organization, Parenting, Videos
How to Set Up a Family Rule Book SPEAKERS: Katherine Hirn and Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this special session, Katie shows us how to set up smart rules and procedures for our families, with lots of examples and ideas! Be sure to download your copy of their family...
2021 Conference, Blog, Marriage, Our Philosophy & Methods, Parenting, Videos
Building a Family Vision SESSION: 1 SPEAKERS: Kraig and Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: A family vision is a family’s purpose and reason for existence. In this session, we’re going to learn how to discover what Yah’s vision is for our own family and how to...
Blog, History, Using the Bible in Every Subject
There are many good history curriculum available to homeschoolers today. Why write another one? One reason is that we want to use the Bible as our primary textbook when homeschooling our children. We believe that the Bible is 100% accurate and was written by our...
Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods, Parenting
There are many ways to describe how children grow into maturity. Classical education, for instance, uses the “grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric” stages to show how education needs to change as children get older. Christine Miller explains it: The Grammar Stage –...
Blog, Passover Art Contest
We wish to thank every student who participated in our 7th annual Passover Art Contest! This year’s theme was “The Lion and the Lamb.” The students were all creative with this theme, sharing what they know about our Messiah as our Passover Lamb and our...
Blog, News & Announcements
Watch the video for a brief description of how to change your payment method from PayPal to our new system. Here is a transcript of the video, if you’d rather read than watch: Thank you so much for being a member of Homeschooling Torah! We hope you love our new...
Blog, News & Announcements
Our wonderful Tech Team is excited to announce that our site is getting a fantastic new update very soon! Why an update? We are eager to get away from companies that censor free speech and support unethical practices, such as human slavery and abortion. For our...
Blog, News & Announcements
October 11, 2020 I am sorry to announce that we are going to indefinitely postpone the release of Word Power. I know that you’ve all been waiting so patiently for the new books to be released. Over the past couple weeks, my concussion symptoms got worse, with...
Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods, Teaching Multiple Ages, Using the Bible in Every Subject
Last week we talked about the importance of learning to read the Scriptures clearly. As we said, in our curriculum we want to emphasize literacy — the ability to understand written words, to apply them to life, and to use language with proficiency in order to...
Blog, Reading, Using the Bible in Every Subject
Why is it important to teach our children to read instructions? Why do we spend the first ten years (or so) of a child’s life emphasizing basic literacy skills, such as phonics, spelling, handwriting, and fluency in reading? Why should we expect that a child...
2020 Conference, Blog, Homeschool Family Conferences
Schedule | Goodie Bag | Sponsors | FAQS Sponsored by Foundations Press Our 7th Anniversary Homeschool Family Conference is August 3-6, 2020, and our theme is “The Brain: What the Bible Says About the Heart and Mind.” It is free to all! You can have the...