Blog, Passover Art Contest
We wish to thank every student who participated in our 8th annual Passover Art Contest! This year’s theme was “Hosanna.” The students were all creative with this theme, sharing what they knew about Yeshua’s entry into Jerusalem, recorded in Matthew...
Blog, Notebooking, Organization, Using HomeschoolingTorah
It’s a smart idea to take a day to set up your teacher notebook, plus a notebook for each of your children. This video will give you lots of ideas! This video was first made in the fall of 2013, while my children were still young and all seven of them were still...
Blog, History, Notebooking
During all years of our history curriculum, we advise you to construct a timeline with your children. If you started in ancient history and continued all the way through American history, through all of the Bible’s history, through the middle ages, through...
Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods, Science
I have naively believed for far too long that if a person regularly attends church, sings songs about how God created the world, mentions creation in prayers or liturgy, or homeschools her children, that she must therefore be a creationist. Those in the old-earth camp...
Biblical Holidays, Blog, Daily Conversations, Parenting
When I was a new mom, I read a book called Creative Family Times by Allen Hadidian and Will Wilson. The authors encouraged me to get in the habit of carrying on conversations with my children about God as often as possible. In this blog series, I’m listing ideas to...
2021 Conference, Homeschool Family Conferences
Sponsored by Foundations Press and Homeschooling Torah Our 8th Anniversary Homeschool Family Conference was August 2-5, 2021, and our theme was “Frameworks and Structures.” The session recordings are free to all! If you were unable to attend the conference...
2021 Conference, Blog, Theology, Videos
Community Connections SESSION: 12 SPEAKERS: Kraig and Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this session, Kraig and Anne talk about the value of having like-minded community to support your family in your homeschooling. They also share several practical ideas on what to do if...