What is Notebooking?

What is Notebooking?

What Is Notebooking? Notebooking is a journal of what your students are learning each day. As you read aloud and discuss (from both Scripture and books), your students make a record of their learning. The journaling happens on paper — anything from simple...
How I Keep My Children with Me All Day Long

How I Keep My Children with Me All Day Long

Anne, I have heard you talk about keeping your kids with you at all times when they are young. Can you please share a full day as to what this looks like? I feel I have a different understanding than what you are talking about and want to understand so I can use with...
VIDEO: Career Preparation

VIDEO: Career Preparation

Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs SPEAKER: Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this session, we’ll talk about what the Scriptures say about preparing our children for adulthood. We’ll specifically talk about personality, spiritual gifts,...