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Session 11

Anne ElliottSPEAKER: Anne Elliott

DESCRIPTION: In this live webinar, we’ll talk about the special challenges faced when your children are gifted and advanced beyond their peers, or when they have special learning needs. We’ll share strategies, ideas, and even ways you can teach all your children at the same time, even with these challenges!

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, August 9 — 3:00 PM Eastern Simply click the video to start watching! 🙂

I have seven children, five of which are being homeschooled this year (grades 2, 4, 7, 10, 11), as well as two adult children. I’ve been married for 24 years, and we live in central Michigan, where my husband is helping to start a Sabbath fellowship. I am the creator and founder of HomeschoolingTorah.


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