Boker tov and welcome! Today we’re going to discuss how to show respect to your husband. (This is Part 3 of our “Parenting Series for Mothers Only,” and it’s also a continuation of yesterday’s discussion on “what to do if your husband is wrong.”)
Scriptures Mentioned in the Video:
- Ephesians 5:33
- Ephesians 5:22-23
- Ephesians 6:1-2
- Psalm 19:7-9
- 1 Peter 3:1-6
- 2 Kings 18-19 (Hezekiah’s prayer: 2 Kings 19:14-19)
- Isaiah 30:15
See every use of the Greek word phobeo (Strong’s #G5399) in the New Testament.

Abraham and Sarah
The “Parenting Series for Mothers Only” Series:
- Part 1 – How to Circumcise Your Heart and the Hearts of Your Children
- Part 2 – What to Do When Your Husband Is Wrong
- Part 3 – How to Show Respect to Your Husband
- More Mornings with Anne
Views: 57
thank you Anne for this series on wives submitting to your husbands! I really enjoy your teachings! I have just finished reading a book called “Guardian Angel”, What you must know for God’s design for woman. by Skip Moen and D. Phil. The best book i have read regarding what a “Help meet” means from a hebrew perspective. it’s nothing like I have heard before, but really changed my life. I have shared it with the woman in my fellowship group and we are all going to read and discuss it. It really witnessed to my heart and answered so many questions of things that were heavy on my heart for years and has given me so much direction and purpose.
I did appreciate your study of the translation of the word respect. However once you got about 10 -11 minutes in you said something that left me confused. You said you personally have feared some of your husbands decisions and what it would mean for you and your family, but that we should only fear YHWY. Well your husband keeps Torah I assume, so surely your fear of his decision is different than my fear of My husbands decisions. Such as when he requires me to do work on Sabbath. (even though he knows it is against my convictions, he still occasionally is building or working on something and I am asked to help him on Sabbath) I simply pray it to the father first and ask that this not be upon my head, but that I be freed of the sin, due to the slavery. But other instances where the “head of our house” is truly in rebellion to the Torah, I feel that I and my children are in danger of God’s wrath due to his sin. Would you please elaborate on where you think proper fear is placed in these situations? The best I can come up with is Abraham sent Sarah into another man’s house saying “she’s my sister, not my wife”. Thankfully my husband Doesn’t do THAT, good grief, I can’t imagine!…. But it does concern me when I read the curses that will come upon the disobedient, and I know that our house is not fully committed to His commands.
I really can relate to what you’re saying. I came to Torah a couple years before my husband did, so I’ve been in your shoes. 🙂 I think that the example of Abraham and Sarah is really perfect. That could have ended VERY badly, even to the point of messing up the entire line of the Messiah, corrupting the Seed. Oh, wow. I really do believe that these situations *seem* impossible, but that’s exactly the time when we should do exactly what 1 Peter 3 says: obey without a word, not giving in to our fear, but *trusting* God to act on our behalf. I guess I can’t speak for anyone else, but for myself, I want to have faith that if I follow the instructions given to wives, He will work everything else out according to His plan, in His timing.
Now, I will mention that if my husband did not expressly FORBID me from resting on the Sabbath, I did it! And if he actually ASKED me to make him some pork, I would — but I cannot remember any time that I personally had to disobey the Torah in all those years. I guess I can’t promise that, but I do wonder what God will do if we’ll just obey Him (by respecting our husbands).
Anne! You speak The King’s truth very boldly and very clearly. You stand firm against a culture that does not want to her this message. Beautifully spoken friend!
This was just what I needed to hear. God will take care of everything! We must trust Him and obey…and watch what He will do!!
I’ve been lokonig for a post like this forever (and a day)
The best things to do is to tell the person that he has a beautiful accent and ask him were his accent come from and if he wanted he would let you know
Anne, thank you for these videos. They are especially for me, I believe. Please say a prayer for me.