We are so sorry that End of Days: Reformation to Modern Times (year 4 of our world history curriculum) isn’t ready yet. We know many people are eager for it!
The “spine” textbook that we were planning to use for this year has had some major delays in production (due to hurricanes, illnesses, etc.), so we are working with a group of families right now to try to test out a variety of other books that could be used instead. For that reason, I don’t think it will be possible to have this book on the market until at least the fall of 2021 (and possibly later!).
Below is a list of the plans we already have for Year 4, if these would help you in the meantime. We would welcome any ideas or input you have!
Here is the planning worksheet I use for World History. I use one of these pages for each WEEK (so 36 sheets for 1 year of curriculum).
And would it help if I gave you the breakdown for Renaissance & Reformation (published by Nothing New Press, author Christine Miller) that I was planning to use? It’s also 3 days per week, but sometimes it does read more than one chapter per day, so please feel free to use whatever schedule works best for YOUR family!
*Please note that this post contains affiliate links for some books.
Week 1:
Day 1 – chapters I, II, III
Day 2 – IV, V
Day 3 – VI
Week 2:
Day 1 – VII-VIII (plus Revelation 10 and Revelation Revealed, pp. 87-88)
Day 2 – IX
Day 3 – X-XI
Week 3:
Day 1 – Revelation Revealed pp. 89-92
Day 2 – XII
Day 3 – XIII-XIV
Week 4:
Day 1 – XV
Day 1 – Revelation Revealed pp. 93-99
Day 3 – Revelation Revealed pp. 101-108
Week 5:
Day 1 – XVI
Day 2 – XVII
Week 6:
Day 1 – XX-XXI
Day 3 – XXIV
Week 7:
Day 1 – XXV-XXVI
Day 2 – XXVII-XXVIII (plus Revelation Revealed, pp 261-262)
Day 3 – XXIX
Week 8:
Day 1 – XXX-XXXI
Day 2 – XXXII
Day 3 – Revelation Revealed, pp. 145-151, 153-159
Week 9:
Day 1 – Revelation Revealed, pp. 161-167
Day 2 – Revelation Revealed, pp. 168-176
Day 3 – Revelation Revealed, pp. 177-187
Week 10:
Day 1 – XXXIII
Week 11:
Day 2 – Fire upon the Earth – ch. 10
Day 3 – Fire upon the Earth – ch. 11
Week 12:
Day 1 – XL-XLI
Day 3 – XLV-XLVI
Week 13:
Day 2 – Fire upon the Earth – Ch. 13
Day 3 – Fire upon the Earth – Ch. 14
Week 14:
Day 1 – XLIX
Day 2 – L-LI
Day 3 – LII-LIII
Week 15:
Day 1 – LIV-LV
Day 2 – LVI-LVII
Day 3 – LVIII-LX, (plus Revelation Revealed, pp. 109-110 top, or maybe to p. 114?)
Week 16:
Day 1 – LXI-LXII
Week 17:
Day 1 – LXVIII
Day 2 – LXIX
Day 3 – LXX
Week 18:
Day 1 – LXXI – LXXII
Week 19:
Day 3 – Fire upon the Earth – Ch. 15
Week 20:
Week 21:
Day 2 – XC-XCI
Day 3 – XCII
Week 22:
Day 2 – XCV – XCVI
Okay, that takes us up to Oliver Cromwell, mid-1600s, but wow, there is still a lot of history to go after that! Ugh! Christine Miller has no more textbooks written after this. Cry!
So this is where it gets tricky. One POSSIBLE idea (that I only half like) is to teach the history of England and then tuck all the other countries into her story. Lots of downsides, but one good point is that by the year 1900, the saying was that “the sun never sets on the British Empire,” so we can hit every continent up to almost World War 2. But… yeah, lots of negatives to this idea, too. BUT– if I can’t find a better textbook to use, one idea is to use An Island Story by H.E. Marshall as the spine, and then tuck all the other countries in around it.
If so, here is ONE possible schedule:
Week 23:
Day 1 – 79-80
Day 2 – 81-82
Day 3 – 83-84
Week 24:
Day 1 – pp. 85-86
Day 2 – pp. 87-88
Day 3 – pp. 89-90
Week 25:
Day 1 – pp. 91-92
Day 2 – pp. 93-94
Day 3 – pp. 95-96
Week 26:
Day 1 – pp. 97-98
Day 2 – pp. 99-100
Day 3 – pp. 101-102
Week 27:
Day 1 – pp. 103-104
Day 2 – pp. 105-106
Day 3 – pp. 107-108
Week 28:
Day 1 – pp. 109-110
Day 2 – pp. 111-112
Then we need something to teach the tricky 20th century. Ugh. We want to include plenty on the reestablishment of the Nation of Israel in the 1900s, for sure. I might just skip having a textbook at all and just write something of my own??? LOL!
Some other books I would love to see included somewhere in the curriculum, maybe? (in no particular order)
- The World of Columbus and Sons, and Abraham Lincoln’s World, both by Genevieve Foster. Columbus covers 1451-1525, and Abraham Lincoln is from 1809-1865.
- Biographies of missionaries around the world, and I’d especially love to look at countries the 12 apostles went to in the first century and compare them to missionary activity in the 1800-1900s.
- And there are SO MANY books listed in Christine Miller’s All Through the Ages.
And for high school, in no particular order:
- Israel’s Tribes Today, by Steven M. Collins – especially chapter 3, which is a wonderful history of many of the countries of Europe
- Messianic Sons Arising, by Dr. Miles Jones
- Restoring Israel’s Kingdom, by Angus Wootten
- The Origin of Species, Darwin (maybe? definitely do NOT agree, but it has shaped world history)
- The Long War Against God, Morris (parts of it are assigned in other parts of our curriculum, but this book does a GREAT job of tying modern events all back to Babel again)
- The Road to Holocaust, Hal Lindsey (I do NOT love this author, but this book brings up some excellent points)
- The Short History of the Baptists, Vedder (a great book on church history, and many of the groups included are actually Sabbath keepers, rather than Baptists as we know them today; might be hard to find or out of print)
- World War 1, and World War 2, and The Thousand Year War in the Mideast, all three books by Richard J. Maybury (but both have anti-semitic undertones that would definitely need to be discussed!)
- Give Me a Place Where I May Dwell, by Albert McCarn
Reference books I have on my shelf:
- The Age of Revolution, and The Great Democracies, which are volumes III and IV of A History of the English-Speaking Peoples by Winston S. Churchill
- A History of the Twentieth Century, by Martin Gilbert
Even more book ideas, from an old web page put together by Christine Miller:
Oh, and I would like to have the students do a project, likely in the second half of the year, on their own family history.
So that’s basically what I have in my planning binder so far. Nothing is set in stone, that’s for sure! If you would like to add a resource idea to this list, please leave a comment!
Check out our World History curriculum!
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