Hello! My name is Kiersten Elliott, and I love stories. I grew up reading a lot, especially stories with adventures. Before I was twelve, I was writing my own stories. As I got older, I fell in love with speculative fiction—science fiction, fantasy, and dystopian stories. But as I further explored these genres, the more I realized most stories within these genres proudly glorify what God condemns—crude and sexual content, unnecessary violence, sorcery and witchcraft, creatures from pagan mythology, and simply blatant idolatry. Over the past few years, I’ve started my own quest of finding stories that fit my standards—but as my standards have gone higher, the community in which I can discuss stories, determine why they are and are not good, and analyze works has gotten much smaller. I can’t discuss many stories without treading on others’ feet, and the stories others want to discuss are stories I would never read.

I know I am not the only one who feels this way. The more and more I talk about it, the more I hear of others with the same problem.

What if there were a community for us? A place to discuss our favorite stories and what it is about them that we love? A place to tell everyone about our favorite characters? A place to talk about why this newest release is going on our Will Not Finish shelves? A place to find good books? A place for deep, real discussions? A place where we don’t have to worry about treading around those who love J. K. Rowling, Sarah J. Maas, Rick Riordan, George R. R. Martin?

My name is Kiersten Elliott, daughter of Anne Elliott, the founder and owner of Homeschooling Torah, and I would like to invite you to join me on Story Worlds, a Discord-based community for young adults between 18-30 years of age who feel the way I do. Here, I want to offer everything mentioned above and more. It’s not very large right now, but it’s ours.

Interested in joining? Fill out the form below to start!

Story Worlds Google Form


~ Kiersten Elliott


Kiersten Elliott is a 22-year-old studying Business Analysis at Grove City College. Growing up, she loved to read and write, particularly in the Science Fiction genre. After college, she dreams of starting her own fiction publishing company to publish high quality Speculative Fiction stories without magic or mature content for young teen and young adult audiences.

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