Watch the video for a brief description of how to change your payment method from PayPal to our new system.

Here is a transcript of the video, if you’d rather read than watch:

Thank you so much for being a member of Homeschooling Torah! We hope you love our new website. We hope it’s easier to use — although that’s not the biggest reason we changed it. We hope it’s beautiful — although that’s certainly not the main reason we changed it.

We changed because we strongly felt that the Father wanted us to get our company away from businesses (like Amazon Web Services and PayPal) who were supporting Antifa, Black Lives Matters, human slavery, abortion, and anti-biblical practices such as homosexuality. Over 3% of every transaction our company processed was going to support them, and of that, up to 10% was going to support these evil practices. That’s over $10,000 a year from Homeschooling Torah and Foundations Press alone. Unacceptable! (Read more)

We started working on this project in early December 2020, and by His grace and mercy, we have just about finished. I am happy to announce that you can now switch from PayPal to our new credit card processor, Cornerstone Payment Systems and Evangelical Christian Credit Union. You will see it called on our website. These Christian companies also receive fees with your every payment — but now the money is going to fund missionaries, church planting, orphanages, mercy missions, and the purchase of Bibles. It may not be perfect from a Torah perspective — but it’s much better! HalleluYah!

How to Switch from PayPal to Authorize

Are you a current member? Simply go to your Account and cancel your current subscription. You will still be able to access Homeschooling Torah until the day your account expires. No worries!

After your account expires, you’ll see a lock on your curriculum pages. When you see that, head back to your Account and click Resubscribe. You can enter your credit card information — and this time, it will go to the Christian credit card processor instead of PayPal. 🙂

While You’re in Your Account…

You are welcome to change your email address, or even your name, if you’d like! This has been a popular request, and we’re so glad you can do that now. You can change your information on your account or profile tabs.

What If Your Account Access Goes Back to Month 1?

Of course, you should absolutely be able to see all the curriculum you’ve paid for. If you cannot for any reason, don’t hesitate — send us an email! We’ll get it fixed in the system right away.

Were You a Previous Member?

If you were a previous member but our system doesn’t know who you are — don’t fret at all. Go ahead and Join Homeschooling Torah, as if you were a new member. Meanwhile, send us an email, and we’ll make sure our system gives you credit for all the time when you were already a member. 🙂

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