Boker tov and welcome! Today we’re going to discuss how to have a “verse of the week” in your home school — so that your children will meditate on the Torah of YHWH day and night, so that they will be prosperous in successful in whatever they do, for His kingdom.
Download a “Verse of the Week” printout here, in Word (.doc) format so that you can customize it each week.
(The music in today’s video is by Acapella, “Glory in His Name,” available on YouTube here.)
Views: 15
Unfortunately, I couldn’t hear you very well. Your voice was overpowered by the music
All I could hear is music. I couldn’t hear you.
Love the video! Thank you for doing this. I look forward to more!
Thank you for letting me know! I just uploaded it again. Try refreshing this page, and the audio should be better. 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Hi! Thanks for the ideas! I could hear your voice fine over the music. You seem so sweet and smart! You must be an excellent homeschool mama. I have to admit I get overwhelmed with all I feel responsible for. All my 6 kids are ages 5 and under! With exception of my 5 year old, it’s a challenge to get them to just do a simple task or stick by me at the table! I have your preschool curriculum and we enjoy it, but I don’t always get through everything each day, or even close. But Yah is working on me with being patient and just trusting. I try to tell myself that at least it’s got to be better than sending my kids off to public school. At least i’m trying where my own parents didn’t!?! It’s not always easy when your day seems more like damage control than teaching! 🙂 But I choose to place my trust in Him. I have been learning to memorize scripture right along side them, because I didn’t have a christian upbringing, and I didn’t learn much of anything but how to pass tests in school. Thanks for all your hard work in helping a mama like me that would have no idea how to manage all this. Blessings! 🙂