Boker tov and welcome! Today we’re going to discuss how to have a morning prayer time. Be sure to look below the video for links to the apps I use!
Links to Resources I Mentioned in the Video:
- The Prayer App on Google Play is no longer available that we know of. Please feel free to search on Google Play or iTunes to find one of your choice.
- The Long Version of the Prayer Book I Use (PDF)
- My congregation’s morning prayer book
- Google Keep (for making an individual prayer list)
- Two Favorite Books on “The Lord’s Prayer”

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – MARCH 14, 2006: A woman prays at the Wailing Wall. The Western Wall, Wailing Wall or Kotel is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount. Image Copyright: ekaterinalin / 123RF Stock Photo
Views: 47
I enjoy “Mornings with Anne” so very much! It’s like a little treasure I get to have every morning. Thank you so much for giving your time to do this! :))
I too have been impressed to labor in prayer this ‘new’ year. I am using the “War Room” app, and I’m liking that pretty well. I do like the idea of incorporating the siddur prayers as well. Great ideas.