I wanted to give you all a quick update about what’s going on with the Elliott family.
This summer was probably one of the craziest we ever had, with several months of severe website issues. That was pretty discouraging, because (once again) we were not able to finish the new curriculum we expected to have ready before school started. This includes Word Power, new Science lessons, and Arithmetic.
However, the end of summer brought some joy, even though I was also quite sick for a couple weeks.
We have a new little grandson named Teddy, and I LOVE being a grandmother!
Our oldest daughter was also married in August. The picture above shows all our children, their spouses, our little grandson, and our mothers and Kraig’s sister. What a blessing to all be together!
Our family is celebrating Sukkot starting this coming week, and we will be out of town camping with our congregation until September 27. What a joy!
After that, my hope and prayer is to be back at my computer, again writing curriculum as quickly as possible for you all. I know many of you will be celebrating the feasts in October, so my desire is to have a lot of new curriculum ready for you when we all start back to school at the end of October.
Until then, thank you for your patience with us! We love you all, and we are praying that your celebration of the fall feasts is the most special “appointment” with Yah that you’ve ever had.
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