5 Things That Make Moms Tired

5 Things That Make Moms Tired

The Bible says that younger women are “to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God” (Titus 2:4-5). But it’s hard...
Time: The Hardest Part About Homeschooling

Time: The Hardest Part About Homeschooling

Recently I sent out an email that asked, “What’s the hardest part for you about homeschooling?” I invited everyone to reply and share by email — and wow! So many replies! It’s been 4 days, and I’m still trying to answer all the emails....
10 Tips to Manage Your Time

10 Tips to Manage Your Time

Are you wanting to set up a homeschooling schedule? Are you looking for a schedule that’s ready-made for you and your family? Do you feel like “a mother’s work is never done”? We’re here to help! Here are ten practical steps to help you manage your time as a...
Subjects That Get Skipped

Subjects That Get Skipped

I have noticed that I tend to skip some subjects or assignments that I don’t like. Subjects that sometimes get skipped in my home: Phonics — not bothering to review sounds and letters learned in previous lessons. Bible and History — not bothering to...
8 Things to Do Before Starting Homeschool

8 Things to Do Before Starting Homeschool

How many more weeks until school starts at your house? Here is a list of things I try to think about before getting started at my house. 🙂 1. Make sure we have a plan for chores. If we’re ever going to get all our school work done each day (and still have enough...
How much time should Mom spend homeschooling?

How much time should Mom spend homeschooling?

Anne, how do you fit in “together time”, individual time, and your other subjects that I read about? Do you do all those subjects every day?  I am having trouble figuring out how to get it all done. I’m so glad you asked this question. After doing a...