Character Training

Character Training

On a recent survey, I asked you what topics you’d like to hear more of. More than 75% of you wanted to hear about how to teach good character to children. One mom put it so well when she said, “I want to know how to practically apply God’s word in...
Secrets to Joy

Secrets to Joy

As homeschoolers, sometimes life doesn’t feel very joyful, even though the sentimental picture of a joyful day with our children is what we are usually picturing when we first imagine ourselves as homeschoolers. Then reality hits. Usually, the joy is gone. I...
Don’t Allow Evil in Your Home

Don’t Allow Evil in Your Home

Poor Eli. He was a victim of grace-based parenting. Maybe it was because he was a priest of YHVH, serving daily in the Tabernacle. Maybe when he would place his hand on the head of an animal to be sacrificed, the sins of his childhood would flash before his eyes. His...
Feeling Like a Terrible Mother

Feeling Like a Terrible Mother

Way last June (!), I received this note: Please, please could you help me out with something?  Sometimes I think I missed out on your “foundational fours” and need to spend time going back to that.  Our multi-grade classroom is not working, and I’m...
The Seven Laws of the Teacher

The Seven Laws of the Teacher

When I was in high school, I had the privilege of taking a “how to teach” class from one of our school’s elementary teachers. I took the class because I was considering majoring in elementary education in college, so I wanted to see if I would like...