Commanding Our Children

Commanding Our Children

“I have chosen [Abraham], that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of YHWH by doing righteousness and justice, so that YHWH may bring to Abraham what he has promised him” (Genesis 18:19). One of the major reasons YHWH...
What IS Good Character Anyway?

What IS Good Character Anyway?

Let’s quickly summarize what we’ve already studied about character. Character can only be passed on to our children when we have it in our own hearts first. When we say that we want to teach “good character” to our children, we mean that we...
Helping Children Serve Others

Helping Children Serve Others

What does the Bible say about serving others, and how can we encourage our children to devote some of their time to service? I decided to spend some time researching ministry this week, and here are some things I learned: 1. Real religion is characterized by service...
Sibling Fighting Isn’t Funny

Sibling Fighting Isn’t Funny

What is the most important character lesson we need to teach our children? I thought I’d start right where Yeshua does: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Yeshua replied: “‘Love YHWH your God with all your heart and with all your soul and...
Tidbits of Truth for Homeschooling

Tidbits of Truth for Homeschooling

Just to encourage you today, here are some great quotes from God’s Word, to help you in your parenting and homeschooling. God’s Word has all we need. “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of...
Obedience and Joyful Homeschooling

Obedience and Joyful Homeschooling

If you’ve been homeschooling for any time at all, you’ve discovered the same secret I have. Children must be obedient if you’re going to enjoy teaching them! God says the same thing: “The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice: and he that begetteth a wise...
What the Bible Says about Character Training

What the Bible Says about Character Training

For many years I have searched the Bible for what God says about character. That’s the funny thing… I’ve been searching for awhile, and I haven’t found much! In 1 Corinthians 15:33, Paul writes, “Bad company corrupts good character”...
Telling Our Children Why

Telling Our Children Why

When God tells us to remember the Sabbath day, He gives us the command to “remember” and “observe.”  These words give us the reasons behind His command. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your...
Why Parenting Preschoolers Isn’t Easy

Why Parenting Preschoolers Isn’t Easy

Homeschooling when you have little toddlers or preschoolers around is a challenge, to say the least. One of the most challenging parts of being a mom, in fact, is learning how to juggle the multitude of responsibilities that faces you in a day, from parenting various...
Making Children in Our Own Image

Making Children in Our Own Image

What makes a home school different from a public school? Well, if you’re a follower of YHVH, then your curriculum is radically different. It starts with radically different goals. For instance, our goal is to “be conformed to the image of His Son”...