Secrets to Joy

Secrets to Joy

As homeschoolers, sometimes life doesn’t feel very joyful, even though the sentimental picture of a joyful day with our children is what we are usually picturing when we first imagine ourselves as homeschoolers. Then reality hits. Usually, the joy is gone. I...


Over the past few months, I’ve been wanting to write a blog post about dyslexia. However, I never quite got around to it until tonight. Tonight, when I’m sitting in a tent, without access to my books and to studies that would lend authority to my opinions....
Getting Control of Time

Getting Control of Time

This post is adapted from, where we first published it. When someone is lost in the woods, his first inclination is denial. Then he starts to realize he really is lost, and starts to move faster. It’s called...
Don’t Allow Evil in Your Home

Don’t Allow Evil in Your Home

Poor Eli. He was a victim of grace-based parenting. Maybe it was because he was a priest of YHVH, serving daily in the Tabernacle. Maybe when he would place his hand on the head of an animal to be sacrificed, the sins of his childhood would flash before his eyes. His...
VIDEO: Reading Problems

VIDEO: Reading Problems

Links mentioned in video: Readiness for reading Book – Disconnected Kids Audio – Using the Bible to teach reading (60 minutes) Noah Webster – pp. 15-38 (for reading and dictation between Levels 2 and 3) Copywork Views:...
When You Encounter Reading Problems

When You Encounter Reading Problems

It’s every homeschooling mother’s worst nightmare to find that her child is struggling to learn to read. She begins to feel like a failure. She wonders if the public schools would have better resources. She wonders if she taught something wrong. She fears...