Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods, Teaching Multiple Ages
Recently when our family was fighting a lot of colds, and life was especially busy, we got a bit behind in our schooling. I was lying in bed one morning, trying to figure out how to keep school going even during busy times. I remembered the words of the Shema, and I...
Blog, Teaching Multiple Ages
Our seven kids love to play games with mom and dad! We enjoy games more than worksheets in school, video-game tournaments more than television, and board games more than other family activities. As a homeschooling mom, I love how playing games together as a family...
Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods, Parenting
This is a guest post by Hannah Manderino of Is there any company as well known and widely accepted as Disney? From its incredible theme parks to outstanding movies, you can find the influences of this company nearly everywhere you turn....
2020 Conference, Blog, Parenting, Videos
Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs Torah Is Sufficient: Teaching Children About Right Sexual Relationships from Scripture SESSION: 9 SPEAKER: Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: Homeschooling Torah | 2020 Homeschool Family Conference | In this session, we...
2020 Conference, Blog, Parenting, Videos
Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs Going Beyond Behavior to a New Heart SESSION: 9 SPEAKER: Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this session, Anne shares what the Bible says about the heart (motivation, will, and desire). Parents can only influence the...
2020 Conference, Blog, Parenting, Videos
Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs Overcoming Anger and Fear: Help for Children and Their Parents SESSION: 7 SPEAKER: Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this session, Anne shares what the Bible says about the causes of anger and fear. She discusses...
2020 Conference, Blog, Notebooking, Videos
Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs Benefits of Notebooking: Planning for Right- and Left-Brained Parents and Children SESSION: 5 SPEAKER: Kraig and Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this session, Kraig and Anne have fun discussion their differences, as...
2020 Conference, Blog, Organization, Time Management, Videos
Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs Dressed and in My Right Mind: Building Structure and Routine into Your Days SESSION: 1 SPEAKER: Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this session, we’re going to learn how to sit at the feet of Yeshua, be dressed,...