Blog, Organization, Our Philosophy & Methods, Teaching the Subjects, Using HomeschoolingTorah
Have you SEEN the price of ink toner recently? (Gulp.) Like everything in our society, prices are really going up. For some homeschooling families, spending tons of money on printer ink toner is just not as important as purchasing meat for tacos on Tuesday night...
Blog, Organization, Our Philosophy & Methods
If I invited a professional organizer to come over to my house and help me with my goal of organizing all my homeschooling “stuff,” the first thing this expert would do is sit me down in my living room. She’d pull out a clipboard, and she’d start to ask me questions....
Blog, Notebooking, Organization, Using HomeschoolingTorah
It’s a smart idea to take a day to set up your teacher notebook, plus a notebook for each of your children. This video will give you lots of ideas! This video was first made in the fall of 2013, while my children were still young and all seven of them were still...
2021 Conference, Blog, Organization, Our Philosophy & Methods, Videos
Setting Long-Term Goals in Homeschooling SESSION: 9 SPEAKER: Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this session, we’re going to learn how to set long-range goals in seven areas of your life, and how to help your children do the same. Anne shares tips on lesson planning,...
2021 Conference, Blog, Interviews, Marriage, Organization, Parenting, Videos
How to Set Up a Family Rule Book SPEAKERS: Katherine Hirn and Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this special session, Katie shows us how to set up smart rules and procedures for our families, with lots of examples and ideas! Be sure to download your copy of their family...
2020 Conference, Blog, Organization, Time Management, Videos
Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs Dressed and in My Right Mind: Building Structure and Routine into Your Days SESSION: 1 SPEAKER: Anne Elliott DESCRIPTION: In this session, we’re going to learn how to sit at the feet of Yeshua, be dressed,...
Blog, Organization, Our Philosophy & Methods
When I started planning to homeschool in the mid-90s, I would order paper catalogs in the mail and use sticky notes to remember all the amazing resources I wanted to use. Now almost all of my homeschooling is digital! From my Kindle to my smart phone, I love using...
Blog, Organization, Time Management
Food preparation and housework are major reasons why many of us homeschoolers feel that we just can’t get everything in a day done — and school, too! So what’s to be done about it? I’ve been scratching my head about what to say, because I hope...
Blog, Organization, Time Management
I have noticed that I tend to skip some subjects or assignments that I don’t like. Subjects that sometimes get skipped in my home: Phonics — not bothering to review sounds and letters learned in previous lessons. Bible and History — not bothering to...