Winter Homeschooling Blues

Winter Homeschooling Blues

When we lived in snowy Minnesota, our local public school planned two days of vacation into their calendar for February. I think it’s a good idea, since school starts feeling a little “old” this time of year. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize...
How to Survive Clutter in a One-Room Homeschool

How to Survive Clutter in a One-Room Homeschool

In an ideal world, we would all have rooms in our homes that we could devote solely to homeschooling. We’d have plenty of space, plenty of bookshelves, and plenty of roomy cabinets. We’d have space on the walls for maps and charts, and we’d have a...
Subjects That Get Skipped

Subjects That Get Skipped

I have noticed that I tend to skip some subjects or assignments that I don’t like. Subjects that sometimes get skipped in my home: Phonics — not bothering to review sounds and letters learned in previous lessons. Bible and History — not bothering to...