5 Things That Make Moms Tired

5 Things That Make Moms Tired

The Bible says that younger women are “to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God” (Titus 2:4-5). But it’s hard...
Time: The Hardest Part About Homeschooling

Time: The Hardest Part About Homeschooling

Recently I sent out an email that asked, “What’s the hardest part for you about homeschooling?” I invited everyone to reply and share by email — and wow! So many replies! It’s been 4 days, and I’m still trying to answer all the emails....
Notebooking Ideas for Homeschooling

Notebooking Ideas for Homeschooling

Notebooking is an idea with which I have a love-hate relationship. I love it because it provides my children with a creative outlet, it requires that they regurgitate what they’ve learned from our reading and discussions, and it gives them with a great way to...
Using a Timeline to Learn History

Using a Timeline to Learn History

During all years of our history curriculum, we advise you to construct a timeline with your children. If you started in ancient history and continued all the way through American history, through all of the Bible’s history, through the middle ages, through...
The Benefits of Notebooking

The Benefits of Notebooking

Guest post by Debra Reed, NotebookingPages.com At the end of each school year, are you finding yourself swimming through mounds of worksheets, quizzes, tests, and half-finished workbooks wondering just what to do with it all? Where does the organization begin? What do...