Revelation Revealed by Christine Miller

Revelation Revealed by Christine Miller

I’m a lot like you. I’ve been following Torah since 2006, and I think I know Scripture fairly well. Even more, I want to know Scripture better and to be accurate in its interpretation — so that I can apply it to my life and obey it!

There are a million different opinions about Revelation, and it feels as if it’s not possible to know truth for sure. Every man does what is right in his own eyes. It seems fairly obvious that my previous views of end times are probably filled with error, but without some help, I won’t even know how to begin to figure out truth.

Worse, most views of Revelation are filled with fear. If bad times (tribulation) come within the next few years, I am not sure how to prepare or how to react. It seems like I can easily be led by various teachers, views, opinions — tossed here and there by every wind of doctrine.

In addition, as a homeschooling mom, I am looking for a biblical perspective for teaching world history. Many homeschooling friends of mine have said they are tired of ordering curriculum that claims to be biblical and then being given man’s perspective instead.

Revelation Revealed

This is why I’m excited to share Christine Miller’s book, The Revelation of Jesus Christ Revealed. She writes:

Most evangelicals have been taught that the events of Revelation will take place shortly prior to, during, or following a seven-year period of tribulation as in the Left Behind books. This book presents a different theory informed by the Hebraic and prophetic types found in all of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation.

The first thing the apostle says in Revelation 1:1 is, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants things which must shortly take place.”

Through the startling events of world history of the past 1900 years, this book reveals how the amazing prophecies of Revelation did begin to shortly take place following the giving of the vision, continuing to our present time. Most of the prophecies have in fact already been fulfilled! Our time in history in 2014 is right before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ! AMEN! Come, Lord Jesus!

The fact is, without the book of Revelation, people cannot really determine which parts of history are most important to study from God’s perspective.

Like me, you’ve probably never heard of this view of Revelation. Most people don’t even know that perspectives outside of classical Catholicism and Protestant views exist. You might not realize that futurist views of Revelation are based upon Replacement Theology and Anti-Semitism.

Required History Text

Our family was blessed to have been taught this view of Revelation beginning in the year 2008, right as we were starting to follow Torah. We then took this “new” view of Revelation and began writing our world history curriculum based upon it. (It’s not new at all. We learned that many people through the centuries have believed the same way, but we had just not been well taught.)

All members of Years 3 and 4 of our world history curriculum will need to purchase Christine’s Revelation Revealed book as part of their required textbooks. In addition, it is strongly suggested for our American History curriculum. However, we want all of our members to know about it because we think this information needs to get out to the broader Torah and Messianic community! We are praying that you and your family will be strengthened and encouraged with hope because of this book!

Buy Revelation Revealed

A Personal Note from Christine

Christine Miller

Christine Miller

I want to give you a little background on how this book came about. Like you, I have for years heard that we were all going to be raptured out of here before, during, or following Messiah’s return. I had heard all the doom and gloom that was coming. I had heard about the Great Tribulation. I had heard about the antichrist and the rebuilding of the third temple. But I put all that on the back burner, because I was homeschooling my own kids, and I needed to learn some basic history in order to teach it to them.

I like to say that learning history ruined me LOL. The children and I were reading aloud from H.A. Guerber’s Norse Mythology as part of our Middle Ages history study one day, and discovered that the Saxon fertility goddess Eastre (from the Norse Ostara, the so-called queen of heaven, from whence the English word “star” derives) was celebrated every spring with bunnies and eggs, as her special emblems. She was also always found in company with storks – for when the storks return in the spring to their nests on the rooftops of Scandinavia, they bring the blessing of babies with them. Now you know where the old adage of the storks delivering the babies comes from. All of us looked up at the same moment and stared at each other, with horror in our eyes, thinking back on all the Easter baskets we had hidden filled with chocolate bunnies and eggs. We were appalled to learn that we had been unwittingly participating in traditions with deep and firm roots in idolatry, in opposition to the Lord’s commandment! Needless to say we never celebrated another Easter.

Shortly after this Nothing New Press was born, largely from a desire to put Guerber’s hard to find (at that time) histories into the hands of homeschoolers. I was certain that there were thousands, if not tens of thousands, of families who would likewise be horrified to learn what they had been participating in, if only a little history were unlocked to them.

Then the Spirit began to open my eyes to understand the true history from Genesis that I was so devoted to, in opposition to the contaminated and false history most commonly taught as true history to school children, even homeschoolers! I had published Classical Christian Homeschooling, advocating the true biblical history from Genesis, and at the same time another classical education guide for homeschoolers appeared on the market – The Well Trained Mind. Of course, TWTM took off like hotcakes and its influence is enormous among homeschoolers. I had many conversations with Susan Wise Bauer, trying to explain to her the importance of truth in our biblical worldview informing all our academic subjects across the board, for otherwise the tools of learning do our children no good, if we begin from a place of error. You see, TWTM and her later history books promote long ages and evolutionary history.

As I sought God on why it was so hard for otherwise well-meaning Christians to believe His historical statements as true, when they steadfastly cling to the truth of His spiritual statements, He began to show me that the Tower of Babel rebellion was the pivotal event in history to turn men from God, just as the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was the pivotal event in history to turn men to God. Babel, the Hebrew name, is Babylon, the exact same name in Greek. And on Babel / Babylon God pours out His wrath at the end of the age.

I began to see that the false beliefs in the Church concerning our ancient history were contributing to false beliefs in Church concerning our end time theology – for as Babel is intrinsically tied to Babylon, that past rebellion is intrinsically tied to its future judgment, and Genesis is intrinsically tied to Revelation. I began to see that nearly everything I had been taught about the end times was wrong, because most end time teachers begin with one or both of two errors which skews everything else. Either they discard the true history recorded in Genesis as false or at least unimportant, therefore they cannot realize the significance the beginning plays in the things of the end, or they discard Torah as obsolete as most Christians do – Torah, the very book of history- prophecy that contains the keys that unlock the end!

The desire grew within me to say with the angel, “Come out, Come out of her My people!” Don’t you see what you are doing when you hide the Easter baskets? Don’t you see what you are doing when you reserve Saturday for cleaning and laundry (as I did for so many years)? No, of course not. They have no knowledge of history, and of the keys of Torah, so when they read Revelation the prophecy remains closed to them, and they are tossed about by every preacher preaching doom, gloom, and judgment who comes along.

In fact, most of the prophecies of Revelation have already been fulfilled, and where we are in our time in history, is on the very cusp of the return of Jesus Christ to rule and reign. However, it is not the stuff of quaking fear that we have been led to believe – but a triumphant increase in victory upon victory for those who are truly His.

FEAR NOT! Making decisions based in fear, rather than in knowledge and the surety of the Lord’s plans for His people, will lead to far greater disaster than the so-called gloom and doom itself. Walk in joy, in freedom, in faith, and in victory – for you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!

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