Teaching My Children to Listen

Teaching My Children to Listen

Some time ago on my blog, I posted an article on how and why God disciplines me. One thing I learned is that God is trying to teach me to listen to Him. This got me thinking. How can I teach my own children to listen to me? The Bible makes it very clear that my...
Why Join Homeschooling Torah?

Why Join Homeschooling Torah?

When you join Homeschooling Torah, you will gain access to all the curriculum you need from preschool to high school, using the Bible as your primary textbook. Our goal is to help your entire family study together—to raise up children grounded in the Torah and firmly...
Planting Seeds of Faith

Planting Seeds of Faith

February 7, 2015 We’ve been growing bean seeds in ziplock bags on our window sill, part of a science experiment for our home school. I’ve loved watching those little guys grow every day. For a few days, nothing at all happened. Then, almost like magic,...
Art Contest – Passover 2018

Art Contest – Passover 2018

We wish to thank every student who participated in our 5th annual Passover Art Contest! This year’s theme was to illustrate Exodus 12:13 — and they did such a great job! You can definitely see the thought and care that went into every entry. We hope the...
Subjects That Get Skipped

Subjects That Get Skipped

I have noticed that I tend to skip some subjects or assignments that I don’t like. Subjects that sometimes get skipped in my home: Phonics — not bothering to review sounds and letters learned in previous lessons. Bible and History — not bothering to...