We wish to thank every child who participated in our Passover Art Contest! We asked you to illustrate this week’s memory verse, and you did such a great job!

The next day John seeth Yeshua coming unto him, and saith, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).

Our winner is Jewelia D., and she is receiving a $10 Amazon gift card. Congratulations, Jewelia!

Jewelia Dobkins

Jewelia D.

We thought each and every participant did a great job! Thanks so much for pointing us to our Messiah Yeshua!

Steffan De Villiers

Steffan D.

Aidan de Villliers

Aidan D.

Kandice Elliott

Kandice E.

Francois de Villiers

Francois D.

Sarah Edwards

Sarah E.

Rachel Edwards

Rachel E.

Cassidy Burgess

Cassidy B.

Brennan Burgess

Brennan B.

Asher Burgess

Asher B.

Olivia Blell

Olivia B.

Jasmine Blell

Jasmine B.

Jesse Barthuly

Jesse B.

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