If you would like to take a break from your regular routine for a week without feeling as if your children will fall behind in their school work, here are some fun ways to review each of our subjects. (Note: This review would be most appropriate after completing Week 18.)
- Day 1: Read Daniel 1 and discuss it.
- Day 2: Read Daniel 2 and discuss it.
- Day 3: Read Daniel 3 and discuss it.
- Day 4: Read Daniel 5 and discuss it.
- Day 5: Read Daniel 6 and discuss it.
- Have a Bible drill using each memory verse you have learned so far this year. After racing to look up each verse, have all your children close their eyes and try to say the verse together without any help. Ask your children to write down which verses has been most meaningful to them so far and why.
Together School
- Day 1: Review the letters of the Hebrew alephbet. See http://www.akhlah.com/hebrew/aleph-bet/ or http://www.cartoonhebrew.com/.
- Day 2: Review the poems you have learned so far. Try writing a poem.
- Day 3: Review the songs you have learned so far, as well as your rhythms and note names.
- Day 4: Review part of the countries you have learned so far.
- Day 5: Review the rest of the countries you have learned so far.
- Day 1: Spend a day reviewing your timeline together. What dates have you learned? What events could you add for fun?
- Day 2: Review the maps you have made so far.
- Day 3: Review the Table of Nations in Genesis 10. From what son of Noah does your family most likely descend? Calculate the distance from Ararat to where your family lives. To what places did your ancestors possibly move in order to get to your current location?
- Day 4: Review your memory verses for the year so far. Which verses especially help you remember history, and why?
- Day 5: Read Jeremiah 29:4-11. Think about the town or city closest to you. What things have you learned from history so far that affect your town or could improve your town? Are there any activities you could do to positively influence your town? Is there anything you could do today?
Language Arts
Check Copywork. Is this an area where consistency is needed? How is handwriting? How is accuracy? If your children continue at their current rate of copying Scripture, will they finish what you were wanting them to finish this year?
- Review all phonics sounds learned so far.
- Play games! Games often get left out of our days, so this is an excellent opportunity to play your child’s favorite.
- Check to be sure handwriting skills (print and cursive) are keeping up with phonics sounds. See https://homeschoolingtorah.com/wp-content/uploads/Sequence-Chart.pdf.
- Have your child read Psalm 121 aloud to you. Let him write out these verses and make pictures to illustrate it, making his own special book.
- Play games! Games often get left out of our days, so this is an excellent opportunity to play your child’s favorite. Games are listed on Day 3 of each week of your teacher’s manual.
- Have a spelling bee of all words learned so far.
- For an extra challenge, try having a spelling bee with the National Spelling Bee list. See http://spellingbee.com/take-test.
- Day 1: Diagram the first sentence your father said to you this morning.
- Day 2: Diagram John 1:1.
- Day 3: Search for your favorite animal on Wikipedia. Diagram the first sentence under its entry.
- Day 4: Diagram your mother’s favorite Bible verse.
- Day 5: Send a picture of a sentence diagram to your grandmother. Explain what each part means. (You might enjoy making this diagram special, with colors for various parts of speech, creative lettering, etc.)
Write paragraphs or essays (depending on age/grade) on these topics:
- Day 1: What sorts of things make you laugh? What makes YHWH laugh?
- Day 2: What book are you (or your family) reading right now? What is this book about? Would you recommend it to a friend? Why or why not?
- Day 3: What do you like best about this time of year? Why? What do you like least? Write this verse at the end: Philippians 4:11.
- Day 4: Do you have something worrying you? Write that in the form of a prayer to God. If you don’t have any worries, then write a thank-you prayer!
- Day 5: Turn on some classical music. Sit quietly, listening. Does the music tell a story? If so, write the story you hear. If not, describe the feelings it creates in you.
- Day 1: Type Ecclesiastes 1.
- Day 2: Type Ecclesiastes 2.
- Day 3: Type Ecclesiastes 3.
- Day 4: Type Ecclesiastes 5.
- Day 5: Type Ecclesiastes 12.
- Print math worksheets for review from http://www.dadsworksheets.com/.
- Play math games online at http://www.coolmath4kids.com/.
- Check to be sure your science notebook is up to date. Are there any missing projects or weak areas that you could take time to complete this week?
- Review all vocabulary words.
- Do science experiments at home! (These always seemed to get pushed to last on the to-do list!)
As always, we love to see pictures of things your children are learning! Feel free to also leave your comments and ideas below… 🙂
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