Daniel’s Statue: Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome (World History Year 2)


Daniel’s Statue: Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome (Year 2) is a study of the civilizations seen by the prophet Daniel in Daniel 2, beginning with Babylon (the head of gold), then Persia (the chest and arms of silver), Greece (the belly and thighs of bronze), and Rome (the legs of iron). Because these four kingdoms form the foundation for all civilizations worldwide, an understanding of their history and worldview will prepare your students to understand all other nations and their history. This curriculum concludes in 70 AD, at the fall of Jerusalem to the Roman empire.

We offer a 4-year plan to studying world history. This is Year 2. Lesson plans each include 36 weeks (180 days).

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"I've been praying for a new way to teach my children... something that would focus them on the Bible."

Cover - From Ancient TimesCover - Daniel's Statue Cover - Seals and Trumpets

Because we believe that the Bible reveals all of history (past, present and future), it just makes sense to use the Bible as our primary history textbook. In fact, we believe that knowing God’s plan for mankind is essential for our children (in fact, for all people).

But real homeschooling moms wish they could study history with the whole family together. They also want a curriculum that's easy to use, realistic for the budget, and interesting for both children and parents alike.

This is how I felt several years ago, when our family "discovered" that we could use the Bible as the center of our homeschooling — but I had no idea how to actually pull it off in real life.

However, as we studied history and prophecy in Scripture with our children, and as we saw how God is always faithful to His Word, our faith and trust in Him was confirmed. I knew that *this* was the best way to study history and to prepare our children for the future.

Torah scrollMy husband and I went to work, outlining the key historical passages of Scripture, reading primary sources, studying timelines, and purchasing multiple curriculum guides. We made lists of some of the best features of existing curriculum — and ways that we felt things might be a little easier for both mom and students.

"Remember the former things, those of long ago;
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.
I make known the end from the beginning,
from ancient times, what is still to come" (Isaiah 46:9-11).

Benefits of Our World History Curriculum

I know you're going to love the results! Our Foundations of World History curriculum is easy to use, is filled with the best resources and books, is designed for the entire family to use together, and constantly uses the Bible as the best "living book" ever.

  • Study world history chronologically, beginning with Creation and continuing all the way to modern times. A firm foundation for biblical and cultural understanding will be laid.
  • Teach your children how to study history for themselves, using narration, research projects, timelines, and discussion.
  • Teach your children how to handle their Bibles through daily use, to understand what it means, and to apply it to their lives.
  • Commit large sections of Scripture to memory, and understand which passages are keys to understanding the flow of God's plan of redemption.
  • A variety of activities for multiple ages means that families will read together, study together, and grow together… making life easier for Mom and simplifying your homeschooling day.
  • Discover our "Hear, Learn, Keep, Do" method.

image - notebookingWe think you’re going to fall in love with our world history curriculum because…

  • It’s easy on Mom! She’ll have very little preparation to do!
  • It’s family friendly! All of your kids will be learning, memorizing, studying, and applying Scripture together.
  • It’s cost efficient! We offer it to you either as an inexpensive e-book download, or you may purchase it as a printed, wire-bound book that saves you printing costs. Additional books and resources are classics you'll enjoy in your home for years (but we shopped around to find many books that you might be able to borrow from your local library or find for free online.)

Our goal is to present history, not just as another subject in school, but as an opportunity for your whole family to be thrilled and amazed by God’s Word.

There are MANY good history curriculum on the market, but if you choose to use ours, remember these things:

  • The account of creation and the centuries before the flood in Genesis are accurate history. They should be taught to your children as literal, factual, and important.
  • The details of the spread of civilization recorded in Genesis 10 are accurate history. Show your children how there are really just two religions: the worship of the Creator and the worship of the creation. (From Genesis 10-11, you can teach all world cultures, geography, world religions, and more.)
  • Studying the Old Testament should be a priority over all other sources of ancient history. When dates disagree with God’s Word, dig in and find out why. Show your children tangible evidence why the Bible can be trusted.
  • Learn more about how to use the Bible to teach world history.

What Folks Are Saying...

"My dear friend Anne let me be a part of the test marketing for this curriculum, I am recommending it to everyone. It is the best Bible-centered curriculum I have found, and it is a joy to use. My kids and I love it! We do it together as a family each day." — Katie

"I have been waiting for a course like this for a long, long time!" — Pam

"We have been using this and REALLY liking it!" — Dawn

How to Use Our World History Curriculum

The Foundations of World History curriculum is intended primarily for grades 4-8, but it can easily be adapted for all ages.

  • Younger children enjoy just listening, and believe me, they pick up much more than we realize! They also enjoy memorizing, coloring maps, and making simple notebooking pages.
  • High school students are ready to discuss and interact with many topics on a much deeper level than younger students, so we've scheduled additional reading and research assignments that will draw you closer in deep discussions.
  • Even adults will love this curriculum – we know we did! Take every opportunity to discuss these topics, throughout your days and alongside your activities. As adults, stick some of the additional books beside your bed, so you can be reading them, too. You’ll start seeing the God’s hand everywhere!
  • Learn more about how to use our curriculum.

We are thrilled to use books from Nothing New Press as the spine of our curriculum. Known for their easy-to-read style and their solid basis in Scripture, these award-winning books are fantastic additions to your home library!

History books from Nothing New Press

This title is available at HomeschoolingTorah

Note: This title included in our all-inclusive curriculum at HomeschoolingTorah. Learn More


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142 pages
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