A Place Prepared by God (Foundations of American History)
$29.95 – $39.95
A Place Prepared by God: Foundations of American History is a study of American history, beginning with the civilizations who lived in North America before the United States was founded, and continuing up until the year 2000. Special emphasis is given to the providence and protection of God upon the believers in the Messiah and those who keep His commands.
Lesson plans each include 36 weeks (180 days).
Because we believe that the Bible reveals all of history (past, present and future), it just makes sense to use the Bible as our primary history textbook. In fact, we believe that knowing God’s plan for mankind is essential for our children (in fact, for all people).
There are so many opinions on how to present American History! While it is our goal to use the Bible as our primary textbook, it’s not as easy as world history because we can’t turn to very many specific Scripture verses that talk about the United States, to know YHWH’s opinion of our country.
As you probably already know, we use the book of Revelation to teach world history (see Years 3 and 4 of our world history curriculum). We continue this perspective in American History.
“Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days” (Revelation 12:6).
“But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent” (Revelation 12:14).
We see America in Revelation 12 as the place prepared by God in the wilderness, to shelter those “who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Yeshua the Messiah” (Revelation 12:17). This place of shelter would only be in place from around 1620 to the 1960s, as you can read in Christine Miller’s Revelation Revealed book (chapter 12).
Our emphases will be the protection of Christians, Jews, and also those “who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Yeshua the Messiah.” In the 20th century, we’ll show how this protection ended and what replaced it.
The books we have chosen are resources that reflect this perspective, but this curriculum moves very quickly through American History, of necessity missing many possible interesting discussions. This is why our lesson plans will provide starting discussion points, but we’ll also recommend hundreds of excellent resources — from books, your local library, and online — and that’s where you really have freedom to put your own family’s special perspective on American History. You may even decide to take two or three weeks to do each week’s worth of lessons!
Benefits of Our American History Curriculum
I know you're going to love the results! Our Foundations of American History curriculum is easy to use, is filled with the best resources and books, is designed for the entire family to use together, and constantly uses the Bible as the best "living book" ever.
- Study American history chronologically, beginning with the indigenous people who first lived here and continuing all the way to modern times. A firm foundation for biblical and cultural understanding will be laid.
- Teach your children how to study history for themselves, using hands-on activities, narration, research projects, field-trip suggestions, timelines, and discussion.
- Teach your children how to handle their Bibles through daily use, to understand what it means, and to apply it to their lives.
- Commit Scripture to memory, and understand which passages are keys to understanding the flow of God's plan of redemption.
- A variety of activities for multiple ages means that families will read together, study together, and grow together… making life easier for Mom and simplifying your homeschooling day.
- Discover our "Hear, Learn, Keep, Do" method.
We think you’re going to fall in love with our American history curriculum because…
- It’s easy on Mom! She’ll have very little preparation to do!
- It’s family friendly! All of your kids will be learning, memorizing, studying, and applying Scripture together.
- It’s cost efficient! We offer it to you either as an inexpensive e-book download, or you may purchase it as a printed, coil-bound book that saves you printing costs. Additional books and resources are classics you'll enjoy in your home for years (but we shopped around to find many books that you might be able to borrow from your local library or find for free online.)
Our goal is to present American history, not just as another subject in school, but as an opportunity for your whole family to be thrilled and amazed by seeing God's providential hand in our lives.
- Learn more about how to use the Bible to teach history.
- Learn more about using the book of Revelation to teach history.
- Click to see a sample.
What Folks Are Saying...
"My dear friend Anne let me be a part of the test marketing for this curriculum, I am recommending it to everyone. It is the best Bible-centered curriculum I have found, and it is a joy to use. My kids and I love it! We do it together as a family each day." — Katie
"I have been waiting for a course like this for a long, long time!" — Pam
"We have been using this and REALLY liking it!" — Dawn
How to Use Our American History Curriculum
Our Foundations of American History curriculum is intended primarily for grades 4-8, but it can easily be adapted for all ages.
- Younger children enjoy just listening, and believe me, they pick up much more than we realize! They also enjoy memorizing, coloring maps, and making simple notebooking pages.
- High school students are ready to discuss and interact with many topics on a much deeper level than younger students, so we've scheduled additional reading and research assignments that will draw you closer in deep discussions.
- Even adults will love this curriculum – we know we did! Take every opportunity to discuss these topics, throughout your days and alongside your activities. As adults, stick some of the additional books beside your bed, so you can be reading them, too. You’ll start seeing the God’s hand everywhere!
- Learn more about how to use our curriculum.
We are thrilled to use books from Nothing New Press as the spine of our curriculum. Known for their easy-to-read style and their solid basis in Scripture, these award-winning books are fantastic additions to your home library!
Note: This title included in our all-inclusive curriculum at HomeschoolingTorah. Learn More
Product Details
If you order a Printed Book…
236 pages
Coil binding
Black & white interior
8.5″ wide x 11″ tall
Shipped by USPS. Please allow 7-10 business days.
PDF format.
This is a downloadable product, which you will need to view on your own device, with the option to print it as many times as you like for your own family’s use. Nothing will be shipped.
Views: 294
Additional Books Needed
As a rule of thumb, if it’s not available at Nothing New Press, https://nothingnewpress.com, then I use https://www.rainbowresource.com for the best prices. (Links open in a new tab.)
Click here to see a list of all books required for our history curriculum.
Views: 294