Notebooking Through Genesis with Your Children

My name is Anne, and over 20 years ago, my husband and I started writing homeschooling curriculum for one simple reason:

We wanted to use the Bible as our primary textbook!

Why? We had been involved in church planting both in the United States and on the mission field, and we had seen first-hand how learning the Bible from Genesis to Revelation transformed lives.

We also saw that when people started reading their Bibles in the middle or jumped around from verse to verse, it didn’t have the same transforming power in their lives. It made sense. Who starts reading a book in the middle? That’s crazy! We start at the beginning and read the whole thing, don’t we?

We wanted our children to have an unshakeable foundation for their lives, so it just made sense to turn to the whole Bible for that.

I used to be a little intimidated to read the entire Bible, verse by verse, to my children, especially when it make to the Old Testament.

However, organizations such as Answers in Genesis and the Barna Research Group talk about how we are losing our kids to the world — and so much of it is because they just don’t know their Bibles.

They have no foundation. They drift, with nothing to root them to God!

This is why we wrote Foundations of Torah, which is a verse-by-verse overview of the first 5 books of the Bible.

Foundations of Torah

We don’t skip a single verse! Not one!

This 54-week curriculum takes an entire year to cover those first 5 books (the Torah).

I thought you’d like to see it, so I’m giving away a free copy of the book of Genesis.

This is a 206-page giveaway, and it’s yours free.

You’ll find templates for notebooking through Genesis. There are notebooking templates for the little ones, the middle years, and even high school.

You can grab your free template here:


We hope these will be a blessing to you!
~Anne Elliott

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