A Free Gift for You

With countless choices of homeschooling curriculum on the market, it can be extremely difficult to evaluate which ones are biblical — and which ones aren’t!

This 120-page guide to goals, method, and curriculum is filled with practical advice to help you:

  • Know what the Bible has to say about educating your children
  • Learn how to set biblical goals for homeschooling
  • Grasp basic principles of biblical home education
  • Determine a biblical philosophy of education
  • Evaluate popular styles of homeschooling on the market today
  • Teach your children so that they can retain what they learn
  • Grow personally as a mother and teacher
  • Parent preschoolers effectively
  • Cope with multiple ages at once
  • Teach many subjects from a biblical perspective

You’ll even learn how to choose ready-made curriculum wisely so you don’t have to re-invent the wheel!

“…Biblical Home Education was really a delight for me to read. Like any other homeschooling mother, Anne Elliott is in the trenches herself. As the mother of seven she has the same questions the rest of us do – how do I teach with toddlers underfoot? How can I keep my homeschool organized? Which methods are the best? And above all – how do I teach in a way that not only imbues my children with a deep understanding of the Word of God, but how do I use teaching methods that draw directly from the Word and that are influenced by God’s philosophy of teaching (and not that of a homeschooling ‘expert’)…” (Jennifer at Bogart Family Resources)

Biblical Home Education is normally priced at $4.95, but it is our gift for you today. 🙂

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