Why Young-Earth Creation Matters

Why Young-Earth Creation Matters

I have naively believed for far too long that if a person regularly attends church, sings songs about how God created the world, mentions creation in prayers or liturgy, or homeschools her children, that she must therefore be a creationist. Those in the old-earth camp...
“Creation” Walks (a.k.a. Nature Walks)

“Creation” Walks (a.k.a. Nature Walks)

Summertime is a great time to send your kids outside to learn more about God’s creation. Charlotte Mason has made nature study a popular thing, and I agree. (My only disagreement is that we Bible believers should call them “Creation Walks” rather...
What We Teach about a Flat Earth

What We Teach about a Flat Earth

I am Torah observant and interested in your curriculum. I believe the Bible supports a flat earth and not a globe. I have a big problem with so many of the science books because of this. Can I please ask your opinion on this issue? We completely understand your...