Teaching Our Children the History of Babylon

Teaching Our Children the History of Babylon

Why is it important to teach our children about the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)? Only the Bible contains true history. There are a lot of theories in history textbooks, which try to explain the origins of our world. Some theories say that mankind had its roots in...

Daniel’s Statue: History Links

Please note that Foundations Press does not endorse any content found off our website, and inclusion of a link on this list does not indicate our support or approval. We strongly suggest that parents supervise their children’s use of the Internet. Click to...
Using a Timeline to Learn History

Using a Timeline to Learn History

During all years of our history curriculum, we advise you to construct a timeline with your children. If you started in ancient history and continued all the way through American history, through all of the Bible’s history, through the middle ages, through...
Learning About Elections

Learning About Elections

Author and historian Christine Miller shares the books and resources she would use to teach her children about elections, as well as hints on incorporating the resources into a homeschooling routine. Written by Christine Miller from A Little Perspective. Please note...
While Waiting for World History Year 4

While Waiting for World History Year 4

We are so sorry that End of Days: Reformation to Modern Times (year 4 of our world history curriculum) isn’t ready yet. We know many people are eager for it! The “spine” textbook that we were planning to use for this year has had some major delays in...
History of the Lost Tribes of Israel

History of the Lost Tribes of Israel

A history of the world would be incomplete without information regarding the scattering of the northern ten tribes of Israel after the Assyrian captivity beginning in 722 B.C. For those who would like to explore this topic further, the following resources give much...
How to Study State History

How to Study State History

If state history is required where you live, or if you’d just like to learn more about your state, we recommend starting after Week 9 of our American History curriculum. The following are good resources: https://www.statehistory.net/ Homeschool State History...