Our Philosophy & Methods, Teaching Multiple Ages, Using the Bible in Every Subject
This time of year marks a new season of curriculum “shopping” among homeschoolers. For me personally, I start shopping in the spring because we get our tax refund soon, so I want to know how much money I should set aside for the coming school year. I also...
History, Using the Bible in Every Subject
Many curriculum use the Bible to teach from Creation until the Roman Empire. The problem comes when we must then teach the rest of time, from the Roman Empire to modern times. There are so many things to teach our children that it becomes difficult to know which...
Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods
Today, we’re continuing on with our discussion from chapter 3 of Juggling Life’s Responsibilities. “According to Jeremiah 17:9, we should not trust our own judgment. Why not?” Let me give you a little background to this discussion. In my...
Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods
As we continue our Bible study from my Juggling Life’s Responsibilities, we see this question: “According to Psalm 111:10, where does wisdom begin?” “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good...
Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods
Ladies, it’s late at night when I’m writing this, and I have simply got to get to bed. My eyes are heavy… I’m falling asleep… Seriously, I’m breaking my be-in-bed-by-ten-o’clock rule. 🙂 I didn’t have time to finish this...
Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods
We’re deep into the history of Rome here in our homeschool, currently studying the ceasars before Nero, during the spread of the gospel and the lives of the apostles. It’s really fascinating stuff! 🙂 We recently studied about some of the temples...
Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods
As I mentioned in an earlier post on homeschooling goals, many times we homeschoolers are guilty of being sluggish in our thinking, too quickly adopting goals as our own when we haven’t compared them against Scripture. Often we make goals by reading popular...
Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods
If you’ve been thinking about homeschooling for any length of time, you’ve seen books and articles that recommend that you make goals for your children’s education. I remember when my oldest son was just a few years old. My husband and I heard this same advice, and we...