What We Teach about a Flat Earth

What We Teach about a Flat Earth

I am Torah observant and interested in your curriculum. I believe the Bible supports a flat earth and not a globe. I have a big problem with so many of the science books because of this. Can I please ask your opinion on this issue? We completely understand your...
Our Views on the Trinity

Our Views on the Trinity

Question: “I have read your doctrinal page and seen your statement that the Holy Spirit is a person. Can you explain your view a little further?” Kraig’s Answer: I want to first start by saying that any try by man to fully understand God is foolish...
The Bible: Our Best Textbook

The Bible: Our Best Textbook

For several years now, our family has been trying to use the Bible as our primary textbook. We were first inspired to do so when we noticed that the book of Deuteronomy has a multitude of references to children and how to teach them, especially when we read how God...