2016 Conference, Blog, Interviews, Our Philosophy & Methods, Using the Bible in Every Subject, Videos
Conference Schedule | Sponsor Page | Goodie Bag | FAQs Welcome to Session 9 (Tuesday, August 16, 7 pm Eastern). Verses Mentioned in This Video: Deuteronomy 6:20-21 Joshua 4:20-21 Isaiah 51:1-2 Psalm 119:99-100 Links Christine Recommends: Why the History of Western...
Blog, Using HomeschoolingTorah, Videos
Boker tov and welcome! Today we’re going to discuss 12 reasons why you might want to consider homeschooling year round — and maybe to even start your new year right after the Spring Feasts, rather than waiting until September. Verses Mentioned in Today’s...
Blog, Mornings with Anne, Our Philosophy & Methods
Boker tov and welcome! Today we’re going to discuss how to have a useful education in any culture. We’ll be looking at the example of Paul in Acts 17. (This is Part 2 continuing our series on what the Scriptures say about the foundation of a biblical...
Blog, Using HomeschoolingTorah, Using the Bible in Every Subject
This post was originally written February 5, 2010… Today I’d like to take a minute to answer some email questions I have received about Bible memorization. Q: When your children memorize verses, do they memorize the reference as well? Do you require them...
Blog, Mornings with Anne, Using the Bible in Every Subject
Boker tov and welcome! Today we’re going to discuss 5 things to remember as you teach your children to use study tools to study the Bible. We’ll be discussing our verse of the week, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy...
Blog, Using the Bible in Every Subject
We know that the Bible says we are to impress God’s commands on our children by talking about them when we sit, walk, lie down and get up (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). That’s all the time! We homeschoolers have an advantage here, simply because we have more time in...
Blog, Our Philosophy & Methods, Using HomeschoolingTorah
Several people have mentioned to me recently that they feel an urgent call to teach the Torah to their children as quickly as possible. This desire to teach our children is prophesied in Deuteronomy 30:1-6. Now it shall come to pass, when all these things come upon...
Blog, Teaching Multiple Ages, Using HomeschoolingTorah
If you would like to take a break from your regular routine for a week without feeling as if your children will fall behind in their school work, here are some fun ways to review each of our subjects. (Note: This review would be most appropriate after completing Week...
Blog, Using the Bible in Every Subject
This post was written in 2012, before we started writing curriculum for all sorts of subjects here at HomeschoolingTorah and over at Foundations Press. You know what would be awesome? Awesome would be a camera crew going into a variety of homes on an average Tuesday...
Blog, Teaching Multiple Ages, Using HomeschoolingTorah
I am sure you are excited when you get near the 100th day of school! In our curriculum, the 100th day is the last day of Week 20. You might want to take a day off school and have a special 100th-Day Party! If so, here are some ideas to help you celebrate. Note that...