Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread

Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread

Here is an 8-page Scripture study of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Since these holidays are surrounded by many traditions, we recommend that you start with Scripture. Once you are comfortable with what YHWH commanded, you will feel more comfortable...
A Day of Rest with Little Ones

A Day of Rest with Little Ones

(Is That Even Possible?) Guest post by Katie Hirn Recently, I was asked how do I make Sabbath happen with so many little ones. Currently, in our home we have four preschoolers, and one toddler. We also have ten other children ages 19 and down at home. So, is it even...
Ideas for Celebrating Erev Shabbat

Ideas for Celebrating Erev Shabbat

There are only a few commands given in the written Torah on how to observe the sabbath day. Of course, we are not to work. We are to rest. We are to assemble. We are not to cook. We are not to buy and sell. But how exactly do we set aside this day as special?...
The Biblical Feasts (Free E-Book)

The Biblical Feasts (Free E-Book)

Scripture tells us that everything in the Bible points to our Messiah, Yeshua. For Christ is the telos of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes (Romans 10:4). The Greek word telos means “the point aimed at” or “the goal.” Just as a telescope points us to...
Christian Education in the Home

Christian Education in the Home

The following is a quote from the introduction to a wonderful book, Celebrate the Feasts of the Old Testament in Your Own Home or Church, by Martha Zimmerman. I thought it was very good… “Hey, Mom! You’re right! Habakkuk is in the Bible.” Sure...