Dave & Christine Miller
Christine is the author of books and curriculum materials that emphasize the knowledge of the history of mankind and Western Civilization, beginning with the first historical act of import, God’s creation of the universe out of nothing. A complete understanding of where we have been is the only adequate preparation for facing the uncertainties of the future, as we head into the twenty-first century. Christine also blogs daily, with Bible studies and perspectives on culture, family and homeschooling, at A Little Perspective. She also designs numerous Scripture Pictures daily in order to help believers mediate on Scripture and think truth.
Dave is a general contractor by trade, as well as the CEO of Nothing New Press, where they sell numerous treasures for homeschoolers and other wonderful resources. Their books include world history curriculum as well as the amazing things they have been learning since bringing a Hebraic perspective to their Bible study: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Revealed and The Law of Love.
Dave and Christine have served in various capacities in church together: choir, youth group, on evangelism and missions teams, as janitors, nursery workers and coordinators, children’s church directors, church secretary, administrative assistant to the pastor, and in women’s ministry.
After Christine’s parents passed away, she discovered that her ancestry is of the cohanim — of the Israelite tribe of Levi. Prior to this discovery, she and Dave had been growing in the Hebraic roots of their faith. It has been an adventure melding their Jewish roots with their Christian faith. Today, when people ask them what they are, they just laugh and say, “We are God believers, and Bible believers, from Genesis to Revelation.” You can read more of their family’s inspiring story in The Myth of the Perfect Homeschooling Family.
Lydia Hirn
Hello! My name is Lydia Hirn. I’m from Michigan, where I was raised with my parents and 14 siblings.
Throughout my life I’ve felt called to my Father Abba, worshiping through children’s programs, church worship, studying and copying my Bible, photography, and song writing, gradually finding a passion for the language of His people Israel.
I believe the entire Bible is for all of us today. I believe it’s God-breathed and necessary to be “thoroughly equipped for every good work,” like 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says. But without a proper knowledge of the language it came from, how can we truly understand it to the fullest?
As I built upon my passion, absorbing the intricacies and symbolism in my learning, I unknowingly began my journey to writing Hebrew curriculum. And just like that, Lydia Lu Languages was born!
I have a brand-new website — in fact, it’s still being built! Throughout the coming months you’ll find blog posts with tidbits of me in them, language-learning videos and audios, and of course, my Hebrew curriculum books and other products.
Kraig & Anne Elliott
Kraig and Anne Elliott have been married for 25 years and have seven children, ages 9 to 23.
Kraig was a teacher, coach, counselor, and high-school administrator, while active with local churches in a variety of ministries, when YHVH led him to pastor a Baptist church. His daily study of the Word of God led him to see that he was to obey all of the counsel of God, founded upon the Torah, and that it was all applicable to our lives.
Since leaving the pastorate to pursue Torah ministry in 2013, Kraig and Anne have been working to support families by writing and speaking. They are also working with other local families to start a Sabbath congregation in Central Michigan. They’re passionate about lots of things, but they most want to get to the ends of their lives and know that their lives made a difference for God’s kingdom.
On Anne’s personal blog, AnneElliott.com, you’ll find lots of help for wives and moms — all about how to glorify God in your marriage, parenting, homeschooling, and homemaking.
Through their publishing company, Foundations Press, they together develop curriculum and how-to books for homeschoolers and families, firmly based upon God’s Word as the primary textbook. They offer a full K-12 homeschooling curriculum for Torah families at Homeschooling Torah.
Katherine Hirn
“Mom,” Katie to her friends, sister to many, aunt to more, and wife to one, Katherine is passionate about mentoring other women in their walk with God.
Katie has been married to Jeremy Hirn since 1993. They got married the same year they graduated from high school. From the very beginning of their marriage, Jeremy and Katie felt strongly that God wanted them to let him number their children. Even as a young couple they knew they wanted to serve families and change the lives of children. Together they have fostered children and helped reunite them with their families. Over the years Yehovah has blessed them with 15 children of their own.
As Jeremy and Katie began homeschooling their children, questions of holidays and religious practices began to become a part of family discussion. Slowly they began seeing that many of the commonly taught practices of the church were not actually Biblical. Over the years they began quietly making changes, but it was in 2014 that Jeremy led their family to make the decision to step away from the mainstream church and publicly teach that all Scripture is God breathed and useful for life. The Hirn family ministers with Kraig and Anne Elliott in Central Michigan, hosting a Sabbath congregation in their home each week.
Katie is passionate about using the Bible as the main textbook for her children’s homeschooling. She is currently helping to develop Bible Copywork for Foundations Press, with other resources planned for the future.
Valerie Jones says
I just wantes to say THANK YOU to all of you for your willingness to follow God in your life and in doing this conference. I am a new mom and am wondering how God is going to provide what we need to raise our son in Torah principles. I know He will…and has begun through you! I am praying for you as you prepare for thr conference. Thank you again!
Toni Dellow says
Praying for a joy filled day full of your wonderful words.
Jennifer Kellum says
As I browsed Lydia’s new website, I had to smile as I saw that her site is “under construction”. We are all, as you might say, “under construction” by our loving Father! So, thank you all for stepping out and being willing vessels for the Kingdom! Prayers over you all!
Giovanna Jenkie says
Praying daily for all of you down here in Alabama!
Thank you for putting this conference together.
May YHVH bless you and keep you shine His face upon you and bring you peace.